Amintore Fanfani, Giorgio Campanini, Charles Clark

Capitalism, Protestantism, and Catholicism

This classic work is an exhaustive philosophical, historical, and religious look at the relationship between Catholic and Protestant religious doctrine and both the historical and ideological growth of capitalism. Starting with a definition of...

Robert Millward, John Singleton

The Political Economy of Nationalisation in Britain 1920-50

In this study of the causes of nationalization, experts in British industrial history analyze the public ownership debates. During the Labour governments of 1945-51 a number of important industries were taken into public ownership, and legislation...

Edward Jay Epstein, Armand Hammer

Dossier: The Secret History of Armand Hammer

The meticulously documented expos of a celebrated American philanthropist - and traitor - that reads like a classic thriller. New York Times Book Review Notable Book of the Year Winner of the Financial Times Book Award The dossier on Hammer tells...

Nicholas W. Weiler, Stephen C. Schoonover

Your Soul at Work: Five Steps to a More Fulfilling Career and Life

Loss of morale, burnout and attrition, especially among professional and managerial employees, have become issues of serious and increasing concern for both individuals and their companies and organizations. Many in the workforce are experiencing a...

Doug Lennick, Roy Geer

How to Get What You Want and Remain True to Yourself

This book will examine two issues: How do I get what I want for myself and how do I get to be number one. It will help you identify what you want for yourself that you can achieve and it will help show you how to be number one....

H. Lee Barnes, John L. Smith

Dummy Up and Deal: Inside the Culture of Casino Dealing (Gambling Studies)

The glitter and excitement that tourists associate with casinos is only a facade. To the gaming industry's front-line employees, its dealers, the casino is a far less glamorous environment, a workplace full of emotional tension, physical and mental...

Erica T. Miller

Salon Ovations'. Day Spa Techniques

The only advanced resource book of its kind, this is an ideal guide for the salon owner interested in expanding services to include day spa treatments, as well as for the beauty professional who needs an easy-to-follow guide for learning day spa...

Asbjor Rodseth

Open Economy Macroeconomics

Professor Rodseth provides a broad survey of open economy macroeconomics within a unified framework. This upper-level book reviews the theories employed by ministries of finance, central banks and financial institutions that form the basis for...

Miles Nelson, Darlene Nelson

Stock Split Secrets: Profiting from a Powerful, Predictable, Price-Moving Event

Stock Split Secrets: Profiting From A Powerful, Predictable, Price-Moving Event is about making phenomenal money in the stock market! If you have a desire to trade in the stock market, this book is your ticket to success. Stock Splits Secrets is...

Alice M. Sapienza, Diana Stork, Joe Lombardino

Leading Biotechnology Alliances : Right from the Start

Since the early 1990s, research and discovery collaborations between biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies have increased to the point that they now provide more than half of the total capital invested in the biotechnology sector. Although...

H. M. J. Goldschmidt, M.J.T. Cox, R.J.E. Grouls, W.A.J.H. Van De Laar, F.G.G. Van Merode, H.M.J. Goldschmidt, Henk M. J. Goldschmidt

Reference Information Model for Clinical Laboratories: Laboratory Management Toolbox (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 55)

It is old news that we are in a new information age! And it should come as no surprise that we need new information to help us change our old ways. As clinical laboratory scientists, physicians, and technologists, we need new ideas, processes,...

<<<  Александр Проханов. Война с Востока. Книга об афганском походе             Jack M. Kaplan. Patterns of Entrepreneurship >>>

Applied Graph Theory in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Studies Суперворы. Лай Леон ("Идеальный воин", "Легенда о боге азартных игроков"), М. М. Богословский, И. В. Князькин. Душа человеческая Работа Из рук в руки John T. Stock. Ostwald's American Students Футбол Brian Hillier. The Economics of Asymmetric Information Очерки феодальной России. Выпуск 7. Предметом изучения в трудах, печатаемых Яндекс Каталог мобильных телефонов. Каждый, кто сталкивается Spina Bifida - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Мегафон Топ майл.ру
Москв, Березники, Нефтеюганск, Иркутск, Ангарск, Орск, Димитровград, Бийск, Октябрьский, Брянск, Петрозаводск, Хабаровск, Псков, Казань, Кызыл, Сочи,
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