Виктор Некрасов

В окопах Сталинграда

Роман Виктора Платоновича Некрасова "В окопах Сталинграда" рассказывает о военных событиях сталинградского периода. Главное в произведении - правда о бесчеловечности войн, "справедливых" и "несправедливых". На поверхности повествования - военный быт...

Филип Арда

Приключения Эдди Диккенса: Беспросветный тупик. Смертельный номер. Ужасные времена (подарочный комплект из трех книг)

Филип Арда - известный английский детский писатель, автор более чем шести десятков книг. Наибольшую популярность ему принесла трилогия "Приключения Эдди Диккенса", переведенная ни много ни мало на 25 языков мира. Эдди Диккенс, главный герой...

International Labour Office

HIV AIDS and the World of Work: An Ilo Code of Practice

HIV/AIDS in the workplace is a complex issue, and the book covers the key principles surrounding it, such as recognition of HIV/AIDS as a workplace issue, the role of social dialogue, the gender dimension, confidentiality, screening and testing, and...

Prashant Dubey

The Voyage East: An Executives' Guide to Offshore Outsourcing

The first piece of work helping an executive understand offshore technology outsourcing as more than low labor costs. The author masterfully outlines the offshore outsourcing decision process in the context of a voyage. The destination is reached by...

Felix Geyer, Johannes van der Zouwen

Sociocybernetics : Complexity, Autopoiesis, and Observation of Social Systems (Contributions in Sociology)

In an effort to shed light on recent developments in sociocybernetic research, this volume represents recent and advanced thinking in this rapidly developing field. The authors address the core problems in social science caused by increasing...

Jay A. Block, Michael Betrus

101 Best Cover Letters

Beat out the competition for the best jobs Create an image of accomplishment, professionalism, and competence that today’s employers are begging for! Job-seekers have paid hundreds of dollars for the expertise in these dynamic guides...

Richard C. Levy

The Complete Idiot's Guide(R) to Cashing in On Your Inventions

Richard C. Levy, simply put, is a marketing genius with a flair for invention. In the past twenty years, he has licensed over 125 products including Furby(r), and the best-selling game "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus." Richard holds more...

Suzanne Irwin-Wells, Suzanne Irwin-Wells

Planning & Implementing your major gifts campaign

Planning and Implementing Your Major Gifts Campaign is part of the Excellence in Fund Raising workbook series. This much-needed guide is designed to help fund raisers demystify the process of major gifts fund raising and conduct a...

Feargal Quinn

Crowning the Customer: How to Become Customer Driven

What can the owner of an Irish supermarket chain teach anyone about customer service? Is the opening sentence in Feargals best-seller. Obviously he can teach them a lot. More than 25,000 copies sold! First to owners and managers then reordered for...

Larry Welke

The End of Selling As We Know It: An Executive's Guide to Customer Creation

In a rapidly changing marketplace, consumers are better educated and have more buying options than ever before. Welke explains how to acquire and keep customers in this new environment....

Robert G. Allen

Multiple Streams of Income: How to Generate a Lifetime of Unlimited Wealth, Second Edition

PRAISE FOR THE FIRST EDITION OF Mulitple Streams of Income "The whole idea of Multiple Streams of Income will be a powerful paradigm shift for most people. Bob Allen then gives practical and beautifully illustrated knowledge on how to...

<<<  Джоанн Харрис. Ежевичное вино             Jack M. Kaplan. Patterns of Entrepreneurship >>>

Отец Вадим. Православное лечение медом и другими продуктами пчеловодства Charles Simic. The Metaphysician in the Dark (Poets Погода Российская газета Идущие за хвостом тигра. "Они отправились Bernadette H. Schell, Nellie M. Lanteigne. А. И. Артеменко. Органическая химия Почта.ру Г. Бубнова. Le francais en perspective X-XI: Tests pour Эжен Дени. Потомок Христа. Пророчество тамплиеров Яндекс Конец фильма. Live. Zavoлоклом. Плейлист: 01. Zavoлоклом 02. Директор цирка МСН Владислав Татаркевич. История философии. Античная Гребенщиков В.. Азбука свободы Чарльз Диккенс. Посмертные записки Пиквикского клуба Лист Бесплатный хостинг Лист Хороших мужей... Магнит. Хороших мужей не находят - их воспитывают! Подарки
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