Charles W. Lamb, Joseph F. Hair, Carl McDaniel


With a fresh, streamlined design, MARKETING, 9e "Takes You There"--helping students achieve complete marketing success--by delivering the best the market has to offer: cutting-edge coverage, powerful learning tools, captivating examples, and...

Галина Ермошина

Оклик небывшего времени

Лирико-психологическая проза, исследующая сложность межличностных отношений, восприятие предметов в контексте культуры. Приемы письма или дневника используются не для самовыражения, а для построения диалога. Автор развивает традиции Мандельштама и...

Юрий Соболев


Москва, 1930 год. Издательство "Федерация". Издательский переплет. Сохранность издания хорошая. Настоящее издание представляет собой сборник статей и материалов о Чехове, а также библиографию. ...

Si-Young Lee

Real Lies

This book contains three separate and unusual stories set in alternate realities. The first story, "Martian's Earth Conquest," tells the tale of a person who is coping with the loss of someone special. The second tale, "Is it Really Not Possible?,"...

Walter Mosley

Fortunate Son: A Novel

In spite of remarkable differences, Eric and Tommy are as close as brothers. Eric, a Nordic Adonis, is graced by a seemingly endless supply of good fortune. Tommy is a lame black boy, cursed with health problems, yet he remains optimistic and...

Robert A. Mayhew

Essays on Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead

In this unique study of The Fountainhead, Dr. Robert Mayhew brings together historical, literary, and philosophical essays that analyze the novel's style, its use of humor, and its virtues of productivity, independence, and integrity. The essays...

Madeleine Roches, Catherine Roches

From Mother and Daughter: Poems, Dialogues, and Letters of Les Dames des Roches (The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe)

Among the best-known and most prolific French women writers of the sixteenth century, Madeleine (1520–87) and Catherine (1542–87) des Roches were celebrated not only for their uncommonly strong mother-daughter bond but also for...

Л. В. Николайчук, Л. А. Баженова, Э. В. Владимиров

Питание по группам крови

В издании освещены вопросы питания людей соответственно группам крови с учетом региональных и национальных критериев питания России и Беларуси. Даны конкретные диетические рецепты по группам крови, в том числе для людей с различными заболеваниями и...

Aaron Rose

Young, Sleek, And Full Of Hell: Ten Years of New York's Alleged Gallery

It was a gallery . . . allegedly. In 1992, Ludlow Street in New York's Lower East Side was just gutter of low-rent tenements with a large demographic of artists, musicians, film-makers, designers, writers, and hoodlums. At the heart of it was...

Oleg Grabar

The Dome of the Rock

The Dome of the Rock, the beautiful Muslim shrine in the walled Old City of Jerusalem, was fully restored to its original state in the last half-century. Thus, this structure, sited on the third holiest spot on earth for Muslims, is at...

Andrew Weaving

Sarasota Modern

Sarasota in the 1950s was a small community graced with an alluring natural beauty. What set it apart from so many Florida beachfront towns was the concentration of artists, writers, and architects who gathered thereA?A€A”including author MacKinley...

<<<  Готовим на пару. В книге содержатся многочисленные ...             Maurice Herbert, Dobb. Theories of Value and Distribution ... >>>

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