Василий Звягинцев

Бульдоги под ковром

Уже несколько тысячелетий сверхцивилизации аггров и форзейлей воюют друг с другом, избрав ареной тайных битв Землю. Перемещения во времени и "переписывание" прошлого - один из приемов этой войны. Но история творится руками самих землян, и именно...

Хрестоматия по литературе Средневековья. Том II

Хрестоматия по литературе Средневековья предназначена для студентов университетов, педагогических вузов, а также для всех, кто интересуется данной эпохой. Во второй том хрестоматии включены произведения европейской литературы XI-XIV...

Drayton Bird

Commonsense Direct Marketing

For many years, Commonsense Direct Marketing has enjoyed an unrivalled reputation as 'the authoritative textbook', and latterly as 'a definitive mini institute'. The book was first published in 1982, and this new edition upholds the tradition...

Twila Slesnick, John C. Suttle, Amy Delpo

Creating Your Own Retirement Plan: A Guide to Keoghs & IRAs for the Self-Employed, Second Edition

People who work for themselves often neglect to plan for their retirement. Yet failing to stash away money is like ignoring your taxes or keeping poor records -- it's financial roulette! Fortunately, it's not difficult to establish a nest egg....

Stephen Brown

The Theory of Public Utility Pricing

Debate about deregulation has focused considerable attention on the pricing policies of public utilities. Much work has been done by economists on this subject, and in this book the results of that research are presented and made accessible to...

Will McWhinney

Paths of Change: Strategic Choices for Organizations and Society

The substantially revised edition of Will McWhinney's inspirational Paths of Change outlines a new foundation for the theory and practice of change, initiating discipline of praxis using concepts from psychology, sociology, anthropology and...

J. N. Westwood

Soviet Railways to Russian Railways

In the postsoviet decade Russian railways remained highly centralized, evaded the upheavals of mass privatization, and remained the backbone of a demoralized economy. Preserving much of Soviet practice, the Railways Ministry mounted a skilled...

Carol Graham

Private Markets for Public Goods: Raising the Stakes in Economic Reform

This book studies the effects of incorporating market incentives into the public goods arena. Carol Graham examines the effects of market-based strategies on the performance of public institutions, the political sustainability of market reforms,...

Neta C. Crawford, Audie Klotz, Neta Crawford

How Sanctions Work: Lessons from South Africa (International Political Economy)

Eleven respected scholars from South Africa, Canada and the U.S. weigh the evidence regarding the sanctions which were imposed on apartheid South Africa for decades. Although anti-apartheid activists thought sanctions would help topple the...

Keith Checkley

Cash Is Still King

Nothing provides a clearer picture of the financial strength (or weakness) of any business than an understanding of its cash flow strategy. Since cash is the life-blood of any business, the strength of the enterprise is directly related to the...

Timothy J. Kloppenborg, Arthur Shriberg, Jayashree Venkatraman

Project Leadership (The Project Management Essential Library)

This book traces the development of project leadership as fundamental to completing projects effectively, delineates the leadership tasks that must be accomplished at each step of a project?s life, and helps the reader develop wisdom in making...

<<<  Сказки про гномов. Книга-панорама. Ты никогда не встречал гномов? Они живут ...             Maurice Herbert, Dobb. Theories of Value and Distribution ... >>>

Trinka Hakes Noble. Jimmy's Boa and the Bungee Jump Slam Dunk Футбол Русское радио Cassandra Wilson. Thunderbird. Кассандру Уильсон Sanyo CLT-D140 сочетает в себе уже полюбившиеся Дютшке. Олимп - Мифология древних греков и римлян Марк Алданов. Повесть о смерти Екатерина Вильмонт. Путешествие оптимистки, или Все бабы дуры Nine Inch Nails. The Fragile (2 CD). Издание содержит Алина Знаменская. Пока живу, люблю Счетчик Конференция iXBT.com Ответы Новости Транслит Чат Andrew Tanenbaum. Modern Operating Systems (2nd Edition) А. Шустова. Сокровище мира. Священный терафим Братства
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