Kenneth D. Peterson

Effective Teacher Hiring: A Guide to Getting the Best

Because student learning depends on quality instructors, teacher hiring is perhaps the single most important issue facing schools today. In Effective Teacher Hiring: A Guide to Getting the Best, Kenneth D. Peterson presents an innovative,...

John A. Goldsmith, John Komlos, Penny Schine Gold

The Chicago Guide to Your Academic Career: A Portable Mentor for Scholars from Graduate School Through Tenure

Is a career as a professor the right choice for you? If you are a graduate student, how can you clear the hurdles successfully and position yourself for academic employment? What's the best way to prepare for a job interview, and how can you...

Shaun H. Ajani

Extreme Project Management: Unique Methodologies - Resolute Principles - Astounding Results

Extreme Project Management is an entertaining yet functional look at Project Management. The system is screaming for managers that meet the profile of an Extreme Project Manager (EPM). Extreme Project Management is a methodology, bordering on...

Robert Brents

Shoot the Project Manager

Forget what you know about project "management". The paradigm has shifted - for the better! Leading teams has superceded "managing resources". Shoot the Project Manager! illuminates a model for project leadership. Focus on the ?...

John DeVincentis

Rethinking the Sales Force: Redefining Selling to Create and Capture Customer Value

In today's markets, success no longer depends on communicating the value of products or services. It rests on the crucial ability to create value for customers. Sales forces need to retool current strategies by recognizing the customer's dominant...

Arthur M. Hughes

The Complete Database Marketer

Database marketing has become a buzzword. Honks and articles art written about it and a National Center exists to bring professionals together. Every major and medium-sized corporation has appointed Director of Database Marketing who is setting up...

Michael Miller

10 Minute Guide to Pocket PCs 2002

The pocket-sized reference to the Pocket PC - the only book that isn't bigger than the Pocket PC itself! This presentation is ideal for Pocket PC users who need a quick, lightweight, portable guide to everything their PDAs can do. This book...

Alex Gillespie, Gillespie

Broadband Access Technology, Interfaces and Management (Artech House Telecommunications Library)

Here's an exciting book that gives you a comprehensive understanding of the emerging and proven technologies that allow high-speed remote access to the Internet and to broadband services such as Video-on-Demand. It shows you how to design the...


Advancing with AutoCAD2000

In Advancing with AutoCAD Bob McFarlane provides the explanations and guidance that an AutoCAD user needs to become an AutoCAD expert, increasing proficiency and productivity. It is essential reading for a wide range of AutoCAD users working in...

Марина Дружинина

Мои уроки

Эта веселая книжка поможет подготовить малыша к школе: познакомит его с буквами, цифрами и геометрическими фигурами, с правилами поведения дома, в школе и на улице, научит различать цвета. Наряду с авторскими использованы русские народные...

Г. А. Птичникова

Градостроительство и архитектура Швеции. 1980-2000

В книге анализируется развитие шведской архитектуры и градостроительства за последние два десятилетия XX в., показана эволюция идей и творческих концепций. Особое внимание обращено на социальные аспекты градостроительства, систему проектирования,...

<<<  Осип Мандельштам. Осип Мандельштам. Сочинения в двух томах. Том 1             Maurice Herbert, Dobb. Theories of Value and Distribution ... >>>

Завьялова М.В.. Балто-славянский заговорный текст: лингвистический Gerard Cachon. Matching Supply with Demand: An Introduction Гороскопы Князья Трубецкие. Россия воспрянет! Рейтинг Hip Pain - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Кто есть кто в мире. Большой биографический справочник Галина Поверина. Узорные рукавички Алекс Орлов. Двойник императора Кэролайн Стивермер. Хранители магии Каталог софта А. И. Солженицын. А. И. Солженицын. Рассказы
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