Jurgen Basedow

Third-Party Liability of Classification Societies : A Comparative Perspective (Hamburg Studies on Maritime Affairs)

Book DescriptionWith the worldwide upsurge of lawsuits against classification societies, their liability towards third parties has become one of the most contentious issues in contemporary maritime law. Against this background, the authors analyze...

Helen Thomas

The Body, Dance and Cultural Theory

Book Description This book takes its point of departure from the overwhelming interest in theories of the body and performativity in sociology and cultural studies in recent years. It explores a variety of ways of looking at dance as a social...

Neal Adams: The Sketch Book

Book DescriptionNeal Adams Sketch Book reveals the creative genius behind the man known as one of the greatest comic book artists of all time-the legendary illustrator and storyteller behind Batman, X-Men, and other comics heroes. To quote Adams,...

Alison Young

Judging the Image (Transformations)

Book DescriptionWhile criminology has recently seen the development of a "cultural criminology", legal studies have increasingly investigated the role of law in the production of cultural forms. Judging the Image extends arguments made within these...

Wynn Wheldon

Barns (American Beauties)

Book Description This lovely book combines beautifully artistic color photographs with brief excerpts from the pens of famous American writers. America's barns come in many shapes and colors. Here is a bright red Pennsylvania Dutch barn, George...

Kate Buss

Studies in the Chinese Drama

Book Description1922. Contents: Origin of the Chinese Drama; Types of Plays; The Plays as Literature; Religious Influence Upon the Drama; Types and Characters; The Actors; The Music; Decoration, Costume, and Symbolic Design; and Customs of the...

James Lincoln Collier

Me and Billy

Book DescriptionLife at Deacon Smith?s Home for Waifs would be completely dreary if it weren?t for Possum?s best friend, Billy, who "thinks up lies faster than he can talk." When Billy hears that gold is hidden in the mountains he...

Epicene, or the Silent Woman: By Ben Jonson

Book Description This authoritative new edition of Epicene locates it precisely in the world of Jacobean wit, court, commerce sexual ambiguity and theatrical innovation which are its own subject-matter. ...

Sally C. Pipes

Miracle Cure: How to Solve America's Health-Care Crisis and Why Canada Isn?t the Answer

Book DescriptionAmerica has wealth, innovation, and access to the best of everything. So why is our health-care system so broken? Why does it cost more than ever and deliver less? How do we solve the problems of the uninsured and seniors who lack...

Marie Moneysmith

Basic Health Publications User's Guide to Carnosine: Learn How This Super-Nutrient Can Fight Aging, Boost Your Immunity, and Prevent Disease (Basic Health Publications User's Guide)

Book DescriptionCarnosine-one of the most powerful antioxidant nutrients ever discovered-can rev up the immune system, fight inflammatory diseases, speed healing wounds, and enhance recovery from surgery. Supported by hundreds of scientific studies,...

Р. И. Фраерман

Девочка с камнем

Писателя Рувима Исаевича Фраермана читатели знают благодаря его книге "Дикая собака Динго или Повесть о первой любви". В этой книге собраны рассказы о детях и для детей: "Непоседа", "Пушок", "Мальчик в лесу", "Писатели приехали", "Каникулы", др.,...

<<<  Констанс О'Бэньон. Обещание экстаза             Maurice Herbert, Dobb. Theories of Value and Distribution ... >>>

Звезды русского балета. Том 1. Фильм состоит из отрывков О компьютерах Михаэль Гаухман. Алгебра сигнатур МТС Под редакцией А. Г. Грязновой, А. Ю. Юданова. Микроэкономика. Теория и Земельное право. Конспект лекций. Конспект Richard C., Ph.D Dorf. Millennium Stocks Сергей Лукьяненко. Холодные берега Автомобильный портал Joseph Hilyard. 2007 International Petroleum Encyclopedia Почта Статистика
Невинномысск, Рязань, Северодвинск, Шахты, Владикавказ, Кемерово, Белгород, Балаково, Москв, Камышин, Салават, Щёлково, Обнинск, Хасавюрт, Прокопьевск, Тольятти, Балаково, Елец, Омск, Прокопьевск, Балашиха,
Русский язык и литература| Цена и ценообразование| Музыкальные инструменты| Методы "слепого" набора текста| Обществознание| Музыкальные программы| Оперетты| Фотоискусство. Художественная фотография| Инвестиции| Молодежные мелодрамы| Современные войны| Политика| Графика| Чешский, польский, венгерский| Промышленность| Языки программирования (прочие)| Отраслевой и специальный бухучет| Абитуриентам| Философия| Скульптура| Этнография (этнология, народоведение)| Интернет-трейдинг. Интернет-инвестиции| Энциклопедии и справочники| Комедийные боевики| Буддизм| Биологические науки| Криминальные комедии| Криминалистика| Христианство| Бытовая техника| Электронный бизнес| Фантастика и приключения| Экономический роман| Фильмы о ворах и мошенниках| Программы о психологии и человеке| Словари и разговорники| Фильмы об убийцах| Информатика| Путешествия. Хобби. Фото. Спорт| Мультфильмы для взрослых| Обучающие программы для детей| Начальная школа| Логика (Logic)|
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