Lisa Friedrichsen

New Perspectives on Microsoft Project 2000 Introductory

Part of our New Perspectives Series, this text offers a case-oriented, problem-solving approach to teaching students about Microsoft Project 2000. It's a perfect add-on for any Project Management course....

Wei Meng Lee, Wei-Meng Lee

Windows XP Unwired

In Windows XP Unwired , you'll learn the basics of wireless computing, from the reasons why you'd want to go wireless in the first place, to setting up your wireless network or accessing wireless services on the road. The book provides a...

Peter J. Bentley

Digital Biology

Imagine a future world where computers can create universes -- digital environments made from binary ones and zeros. Imagine that within these universes there exist biological forms that reproduce, grow, and think. Imagine plantlike forms,...

Falai Chen, Dangming Wang

Geometric Computation (Lecture Notes Series on Computing Vol. 11)

This book contains tutorial surveys and original research contributions in geometric computing, modeling, and reasoning. Highlighting the role of algebraic computation, it covers: surface blending, implicitization, and parametrization; automated...

Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman, Michael Mick

Microsoft FrontPage 2002 Essential Concepts and Techniques

Part of the highly successful Shelly Cashman Series, this text offers a clear, step-by-step, screen-by-screen approach to learning the basic skills of Microsoft FrontPage 2002....

Thomas Connolly, Carolyn Begg

Database Solutions: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Databases

The second edition of this book incorporates two relational database design methodologies to teach readers how databases can be implemented in Microsoft Access and Oracle. Not only does the book provide a comprehensive methodology for relational...

Gene I. Rochlin

Trapped in the Net

"This is a major work of synthesis and insight that will prove invaluable not only to scholars and students but also to policymakers, large-system designers, and others concerned with the role of computers in society. Rochlin has mastered an...

Philipp Gerbert, Alex Birch

Digital Storm: Fresh Business Strategies from the Electronic Marketplace

"No company doing business in the 21st century can escape the digital storm. You can be ill-prepared or well-prepared. I'd rather you be well-prepared. Absorbing the lessons of the current book will be a regarding investment of your time." Hasso...

Джон Гришэм

Рождество с неудачниками

Кто не знает Джона Гришэма - короля судебного триллера, автора множества бестселлеров, изданных едва ли не во всех странах мира? Но на этот раз Джон Гришэм выступает совершенно в ином жанре - как автор ироничной и увлекательной "сказки для...

История в таблицах и схемах

Пособие включает дидактические материалы, тестовые задания и шпрагалки по истории для школьников и абитуриентов в таблицах и схемах....

Жюль Верн

Пятнадцатилетний капитан (аудиокнига MP3 на 2 CD)

"Пятнадцатилетний капитан" - приключенческий роман, в котором отважные юные герои сталкиваются с пиратами, разбойниками, каторжниками и работорговцами и с честью выходят из всех испытаний. Пятнадцатилетний капитан, Дик Сэнд был "audens" -...

<<<  Thomas Karier. Great Experiments in American ...             Судебные споры. Материалы судебной практики, образцы документов. Книга ... >>>

В. Перцов. Подвиг и герой МТС Джон Мильтон. Потерянный рай Программы Сальвадор Дали. Сюрреализм-это я QIP.ру Robert A. G. Monks, Robert A.G. Monks. The New Global Investors: Вики Фигурки на магнитах "Овощи". Фигурки на магнитах
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