Thomas Karier

Great Experiments in American Economic Policy

During the 1980s, dramatic changes in the federal budget, the Federal Reserve, and the U.S. Treasury initiated the most comprehensive series of economic experiments since the 1930s. This book describes the nature of those experiments and compares...

J. Christopher Westland, Theodore H. K. Clark

Global Electronic Commerce: Theory and Case Studies

"At a time when ecommerce hype too often obscures the real issues faced by managers, Westland and Clark deliver a rare combination of rigor and relevance. University students and thoughtful managers will benefit from their insights, analysis and...

Brewster Kneen

Invisible Giant: Cargill and Its Transnational Strategies

Transnational corporations straddle the globe, largely unseen by the public. Cargill, with its headquarters in the US, is the largest private corporation in North America, and possibly in the world. Cargill trades in food commodities and produces a...

Howard Russell

A Long Deep Furrow

A highly readable history and almost encyclopedic reference work, with information on every pertinent aspect of farming and country life....

James R. Gregory

The Best of Branding: Best Practices in Corporate Building

In The Best of Branding , branding pioneer Jim Gregory publishes --for the first time ever--findings from his revolutionary Corporate Branding Index®. This index, which for more than a decade has compiled branding results from more than...

Steven Miles, Alison Anderson, Kevin Meethan

Changing Consumer: Markets and Meanings (Studies in Consumption and Markets)

In a world undergoing rapid change, this essential collection discusses why consumption has become so important, and what role, if any, it plays in underpinning social, economic and political transformation. Featuring contributions from some of the...

Jan Kabili

Photoshop 7 Complete Course

* Each session explains chapter goals, materials needed, time required, a list of key concepts and features, and additional projects. * Each page includes screenshots or photographs to accompany the text. * CD-ROM contains all of the...

Adam Engst

iPhoto 4 for Mac OS X (Visual QuickStart Guide)

You've finally figured out how to use that digital camera you got for the holidays; now if only you could figure out what to do with the tons of digital photos you're suddenly amassing! Enter iPhoto 4. Included on all new Macs, it solves this...

Adrian Perrig, J. D. Tygar

Secure Broadcast Communication: In Wired and Wireless Networks

Secure Broadcast Communication in Wired and Wireless Networks presents a set of fundamental protocols for building secure information distribution systems. Applications include wireless broadcast, IP multicast, sensor networks and webs, ad hoc...

Ann Shaffer

New Perspectives on Microsoft Office XP, 1st Course Enhanced (New Perspectives)

A case-based, step-by-step approach to learning how to use Microsoft Office XP....

R. Shamms Mortier, Shamms Mortier

The Amorphium Pro Handbook

Amorphium Pro is a user-friendly 3D program that combines conventional modeling with the ability to create 3D objects using real-time 2D brushes and design tools. This unique characteristic makes it a popular 3D tool of choice for artists and...

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Топ майл.ру Keller Easterling. Enduring Innocence : КМ Роберт Р. Вудинг. Корнеровая закрепка бриллиантов, Рефераты Марина Лосева. Похождения рыжей бестии Glen J. Coulthard. Microsoft Powerpoint 2003 (Advantage Вики Patti J. Shock. Restaurant Marketing for Owners and Managers (Wiley А. Канестри. Итальянско-русский и русско-итальянский словарь Вести
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