И. О. Родин, Т. М. Пименова

Все произведения школьной программы в кратком изложении. 8 класс

В книгу вошли все произведения школьной программы по литературе за 8 класс. Пособие содержит краткое содержание самих произведений (как отечественных, так и зарубежных авторов), отрывки из критических статей, биографические сведения об...

В. Губарев

Королевство кривых зеркал

Жила-была на свете девочка по имени Оля. Очень она любила крутиться возле ЗЕРКАЛА. Зеркало это оказалось волшебным. И вот однажды Оля увидела в нем не себя, а совсем другую девочку - Яло, довольно противную особу - капризную и упрямую. ...

Richard Imperiale, Richard Imperiale

J K Lasser Pro Real Estate Investment Trusts

Benefit from the outstanding investment opportunities that currently exist in the REIT industry The growth of REITs as an asset class has created an excellent opportunity for small investors to participate in the ownership of...

Karen Caplan Altfest, Karen Caplan Altfest

J.K. Lasser Pro Keeping Clients for Life

A successful financial planner is someone who does more than just crunch numbers and present an annual investment plan to clients. There is a psychological component to effective client care as well as to issues involving clients? overall...

Maxx Robinson

This, You Won't Believe! Adventures of an Entrepreneur

Bored selling commercials for NBC's Today & Tonight shows, I rebuilt an 1898 yacht to sail around the world with my wife. In my first foreign port I met a very astute fellow building a deepwater harbor, schools and hospitals for...

J. P. Platteau, Jean-Philippe Platteau

Institutions, Social Norms and Economic Development (Fundamentals of Development Economics)

In order for economic specialization to develop, it is important that well-defined property rights are established and that suspicion and fear of fraud do not pervade transactions. Such conditions cannot be created ex abrupto but must somehow...

Michael Ruse, Aryne Sheppard

Cloning: Responsible Science or Technomadness? (Contemporary Issues)

With the birth of the cloned sheep named "Dolly," a technique once found only in science fiction has suddenly become reality, along with a host of new ethical, social, religious, and public policy dilemmas. What potential benefits could cloning...

Jay A. Block

101 Best Resumes for Grads

A PAPERBACK ORIGINAL The ultimate resume and job-hunting guide for recent grads Written by the bestselling career author team of Jay Block and Mike Betrus, this book helps graduates parlay their diplomas into their...

Frank Satterthwaite, Gary D'Orsi

The Career Portfolio Workbook: Using the Newest Tool in Your Job-Hunting Arsenal to Impress Employers and Land a great Job!

Innovative ideas for creating a skill-based career portfolio For job seekers looking to provide tangible, easily accessible proof of their skills and accomplishments, a portfolio of careerrelated documents is fast becoming the...

Ronny J. Coleman

Opportunities in Fire Protection Services Careers

More than 100 "opportunities" for students and job seekers! The most comprehensive career book series available, Opportunities in . . . covers a range of professions, from acting to writing, and encompasses traditional as well as...

Joseph A. Raelin

Personal Career Development for Professionals

This is a reprint. Original title was: The Salaried Professional. It is a practical guide to assist a professional working in a large organization to make effective choices about personal career development....

<<<  Тони Атертон. 30 минут для личного маркетинга             Дмитрий Черкасов. Операция "Вурдалак" >>>

Софья Вершинина, Елена Потявина. Болезни печени. Рак, MICHAEL C KEITH. The Radio Station, Sixth Edition Василий Ян. К "последнему морю". Юность полководца Ноам Хомский. Несостоятельные Штаты. Злоупотребление властью Граф Р., Шиитс В.. Энциклопедия электронных схем. У Чэн-энь. Путешествие на Запад (комплект Фото Гороскопы Агент майл.ру МТС Уэст Р.. Сердце женщины А . С. Ермошкина. Экономическая и социальная география России. Чингиз Абдуллаев. Альтернатива для грешников ДМОЗ Почта Carisoprodol - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, Бесплатный хостинг История Древнего Рима. Тексты и документы. Часть 2. Одноклассники Игрушка заводная "Мишка-лыжник". Дерево, пластмасса.
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