Gerardine Desanctis, Janet Fulk

Shaping Organization Form: Communication, Connection, and Community (Organization Science Series)

Shaping Organization Form considers the role of new communication technologies in shaping organizations today and in the future. Four key themes are considered in depth: changes in technology, changes in organizational form,...

Ronald R. Sims, Robert F. Dennehy

Diversity and Differences in Organizations

Among the most significant features of Sims and Dennehy's book are a focus beyond valuing and managing cultural diversity, and a demonstration of the interdependency that exists between a number of important individual differences (i.e., alienation,...

John J. Cotter

The 20% Solution: Using Rapid Redesign to Create Tomorrow's Organizations Today

"Today, change flashes across the landscape like lightning. Simple, single-focus fix-it schemes no longer work, and isolated, unintegrated, one-time improvement efforts fail miserably. Organizations require periodic revolution, not just constant...

Francesco Luna, Benedikt Stefansson

Economic Simulations in Swarm: Agent-Based Modelling and Object (ADVANCES IN COMPUTATIONAL ECONOMICS Volume 14)

Computer simulations of economic systems are slowly gaining ground within the economic profession. However, such a process is hindered by a lack of communication among researchers who do not share a common language. For its object-oriented structure...

Michael Kerr

You Can't Be Serious! Putting Humor to Work

You Can't Be Serious! Putting Humor to Work provides a compelling argument for taking humor, laughter and play more seriously in our work lives. The book offers more than 200 ideas on how to add humor to your workplace and includes dozens of...

Ricardo Ffrench-Davis, Stephany Griffith-Jones

From Capital Surges to Drought: Seeking Stability for Emerging Economies (Studies in Development Economics and Policy)

Senior bankers, regulators, and well-known academics explain the behavior of different players. The book breaks new ground by showing in detail how such behavior has contributed to the decline of flows and their volatility. The book suggests what...

Janet Lowe

Value Investing Made Easy: Benjamin Graham's Classic Investment Strategy Explained for Everyone

Discover the principles that made Warren Buffett a billionaire! Developed by legendary Wall Street wizard Benjamin Graham, mentor of Warren Buffett, value investing strategies are the most reliable, fail-safe, and successful money-making methods...

Randall S. Van Reken

Real Estate: Learning the Practices of the Profession

Exceptionally student-friendly in approach and real-world in perspective, this introduction to real estate principles and practices presents only the material necessary for successful completion of the real estate license exam and subsequent success...

Alan Ray Hoxie

Buyers and Sellers Real Estate Handbook

This book is a guide to first-time buyers and sellers, alerting them to the pitfalls of the real estate market, by a seasoned 20-year vet of the industry. Includes "how much house can I afford?, " non-traditional financing, how agents mislead...

Paul Barry

Programming the Network with Perl

It is no longer enough for today's software engineers to be able to program the computer and debug programs - the modern programmer needs to know how to program the network and debug communications. This book shows you how, using Perl. ...

Gwen Lowery, Teresa Stover

Managing Projects With Microsoft(r) Project 2000: For Windows

Learn proven project management strategies as you master the world's #1 project management software Here's a winning combination: a series of successful project management strategies that cover every phase of the process AND an insider's guide...

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Andrea Bocelli. Lo Mejor De. Vivere. "Vivere" - это Нигма Stephens W. Nunnally. Construction Methods and Management (7th Edition) Альберт Санчес Пиньоль. В пьянящей тишине Lorraine L. Ukens. Trouble on the Inca Валентин Пикуль. Баязет Поиск работы Вести Вера Лукницкая. Николай Гумилев. Жизнь поэта по материалам Нора Робертс. Кому она рассказала? Алексей Садов. Шутки Дедушки Мороза. Простудные заболевания Alan Thein Durning, Alan Durning, Alan T. Durning. Green Collar Jobs: Знакомства Знакомства ЖЖ Nelly. Country Grammar (CD+DVD). DVD диск содержит: Вести Русское радио Вики Лента ЖЖ
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