Annie Ernaux

Simple Passion

Book DescriptionIn the spare, elegant style that has won her international acclaim, Annie Ernaux writes of losing oneself in love then losing love itself in this, her standout work. Blurring the line between fact and fiction, an unnamed narrator...

The Lost World of Mitchell and Kenyon: Edwardian Britain on Film

Book DescriptionThe discovery of the Peter Worden Mitchell and Kenyon collection-a trove of 800 films-has been described as film's equivalent of the discovery of Tutankhamen's tomb. The extraordinary "actuality footage" contained in the collection...

Salam Pax

Salam Pax: The Clandestine Diary of an Ordinary Iraqi

Salam Pax has attracted a huge worldwide readership for the Internet diary he kept during the buildup, prosecution, and aftermath of the war in Iraq. Bringing his incisive and sharply funny Web postings together in print for the first time, Salam...

Jesse Leon McCann

Scooby-Doo! and the Soccer Monster

Book Description It's the case of the stolen soccer ball! When Scooby and the gang go out for soccer, it's only a matter of time before a mystery's afoot. Can the gang solve the mystery and still find time to score a few goals? ...

Rolf Gompertz

Sparks Of Spirit: How To Find Love And Meaning In Your Life 24 Hours A Day

Book Description Sparks of Spirit refers to truths frozen into words. It contains 27 brief, easy to understand meditations, with a list of supportive biblical verses at the end. As these sparks touch your spirit, they release their power...

G.L. Parker


Book DescriptionSadie was a strikingly beautiful young woman whose sheer Irish beauty alone earned her the title of Belle of the West Side of Manhattan. As a young girl growing up on the mean streets of the city, she possessed a poise just as...

Vivien Williamson

Bach Remedies and Flower Essences

Book DescriptionDiscover how flowers hold the key to unlocking emotional imbalances and promote a longer and healthier life by releasing the toxic effects of buried and unresolved pain....

Denise Greig

Ornamental Foliage Plants

Ornamental Foliage Plants is a comprehensive guide to 1,500 garden and indoor plants grown mainly for their exceptional foliage. The first part of Ornamental Foliage Plants explores the different ways these plants can be...

Анастасия Монастырская

Девять месяцев

"Девять месяцев" - тонкая психологическая драма, любовный роман и увлекательное чтение одновременно. Динамичная, легкая, жизнеутверждающая книга сможет затронуть душу каждой женщины. Действие происходит в шестиместной палате московского...

Бев Винсент

Темная Башня. Путеводитель

"Темная Башня"... Больше тридцати лет прошло с тех пор, как Стивен Кинг начал писать свой прославленный цикл - сагу из семи книг о Роланде, последнем стрелке. О его приключениях в странном мире, центр которого - Темная Башня... ...

Л. Ф. Климанова

Мой алфавит. Азбука первоклассника. В 2 частях. Часть 1

Тетрадь "Мой алфавит. Азбука первоклассника. Часть 1" знакомит детей со звуками и буквами родного языка, учит анализировать звучащее слово и правильно записывать его на строке. Разнообразные упражнения помогают школьникам закрепить первоначальные...

<<<  Louis Desnoyers. Les mesaventures de Jean-Paul Choppart             Петр Катериничев. Беглый огонь >>>

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