Роберт Хайнлайн

Космический патруль

В сборник произведений классика американской фантастики Р.Хайнлайна включены роман "Космический патруль", повесть "Если это будет продолжаться…" и ряд рассказов. ...

Елена Стольная

Цветы и деревья из бисера

Книга Елены Стольной станет настоящим подарком для тех, кто увлекается таким замечательным видом народного творчества, как бисероплетение. Читатель познакомится с уникальными разработками автора - способами плетения деревьев из бисера. ...

Frederick W. Turner

IN THE LAND OF TEMPLE CAVES: From St. Emilion to Paris's St. Sulpice : Notes on Art and the Human Spirit

Book DescriptionA cri de Coeur from one of America's most eloquent and respected naturalists on why Art does matter. In September 2001, following moments when civilization seemed to have unraveled, Frederick Turner undertook a quest for...

Polly Raynes

Drawing and Painting Plants and Flowers

The art of depicting plants and flowers is almost as old as the history of art itself. Polly Raynes addresses this enduringly fascinating subject and shows readers how produce plant portraits in pencil, pen and ink, charcoal, pastel andwatercolor,...

Sally Gardner

The Boy with the Magic Numbers (Magical Children S.)

When Billy Pickles' dad leaves home to live in New York, he gives Billy a moneybox. Billy's not sure where to put in the money, and not sure why his dad has left. Then Billy goes to New York to visit his father and his Italian grandmother, and...

Hugo von Hofmannsthal

The Lord Chandos Letter

Book DescriptionIn The Lord Chandos Letter, the author conjures a figure from the English Renaissance in order to write about a peculiarly modern crisis of the spirit. In this cryptic, haunting, at times hallucinated document, a young lord writes...

Betsy Howie

Callie's Tally : An Accounting of Baby's First Year (Or, What My Daughter Owes Me)

Book DescriptionWhen Betsy Howie became pregnant, she realized a frightening truth: She was about to lose control. So, she itemized her concerns: Can I physically handle it? Do I have the patience for the job? Can I have my career and take care of a...

ICON Health Pub.

The Official Patient's Sourcebook On Usher Syndrome: Directory For The Internet Age

Book DescriptionThis is a "must have" reference book for patients, parents, caregivers, and libraries with medical collections. This sourcebook is organized into three parts. Part I explores basic techniques to researching usher syndrome (e.g....

Gustaw Herling

The Noonday Cemetery and Other Stories

Book DescriptionShort stories by Poland's greatest writer, and survivor of WWII Soviet labor prison camps. he Noonday Cemetery & Other Stories , selected by Herling himself shortly before his death in 2000, are the 15 most representative...

Amitav Ghosh

The Hungry Tide : A Novel

Book DescriptionThe Hungry Tide is a very contemporary story of adventure and unlikely love, identity and history, set in one of the most fascinating regions on the earth. Off the easternmost coast of India, in the Bay of Bengal, lies the immense...

Ross Anderson

The Quality of Mercy : One Brave Couple's Struggle for a Dignified Death

Book Description This heartbreaking book details the suffering of terminal cancer patient Irene Anderson and how her husband of 27 years, Ross, helped her die according to her wishes. A moving personal story and a compelling argument for the...

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О. И. Нестерова, А. М. Гуторов, Л. А. Скубачевская. Все произведения Почта Robert A. Wilson, Frank Keil. The MIT Encyclopedia Т. Я. Андрющенко. Немецкий язык. Начальный этап Все о Линукс Г. И. Хетагуров. Исполнение долга Под редакцией В. Б. Комягина. 1С:Бухгалтерия Джулия Гарвуд. Дар Г. С. Кнабе. Семиотика культуры Роберт Рождественский. Мгновения, мгновения, мгновения... Сигизмунд Кржижановский. Сказки для вундеркиндов (аудиокнига MP3) Путешествия Поиск работы Harry Connick Jr. Chanson Du Vieux Carre. Издание содержит Газета.ру Julian Clay. Selling Solutions: How to Test, Monitor and Constantly Виртуальные открытки Daryl R. Conner. Leading at the Edge of Chaos: МТС Mark Dodge, Craig Stinson. Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Inside Конференция iXBT.com
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