Eric S. Siegel, Brian R. Ford, Jay M. Bornstein

The Ernst & Young Business Plan Guide

Whether you?re starting a new business or expanding an existing one, this updated guide will help you create a financial, organizational, and operational blueprint for success! Now you can put the expertise of the leading professionals at Ernst...

Robert J. Barro

Getting It Right: Markets and Choices in a Free Society

"Robert Barro's Getting It Right is economic analysis at its best. His discussions of economic growth and macroeconomic issues are clear and persuasive. I strongly recommend this book to everyone with an interest in contemporary economic...

Hans C. Buechler, Judith-Maria Buechler

Contesting Agriculture: Cooperativism and Privatization in the New Eastern Germany (Suny Series in the Anthropology of Work)

Examines the privatization of agriculture in eastern Germany since 1989....

Ferdinand E. Banks

Energy Economics: A Modern Introduction

This is a modern text and reference book on energy economics. It assumes as background only the microeconomic portion of the introductory or first course in economics, and the mathematical requirements can, for the most part, be met by secondary...

Jacob De Rooy

Economic Literacy: What Everyone Needs to Know About Money & Markets

Gross domestic product, business cycles, Consumer Price Index, prime rate, terms we read in the newspapers but possibly don't fully comprehend. With humor, clarity, and a deft touch for simplifying complex ideas, Jacob De Rooy explains the basic...

Ellen Williams

Opportunities in Gerontology and Aging Services Careers, Rev. Ed.

More than 100 opportunities for students and job seekers! The most comprehensive career book series available, Opportunities in...covers a range of professions from acting to writing, and encompasses traditional as well as...

Heidi Richards

What's Your OccuPLAYtion? 149 Ideas to Increase Job Satisfaction, Reduce Stress and Get More Out of Your Work and Your Life

A sense of humor will take you far in work and in life. It is an antidote for depression. It relieves stress and anxiety. A sense of humor is a business asset. There's a Chinese proverb that states, "Person without a smiling face must not open...

John Wesley

Auto Buying vs Leasing

Written by a professional automotive sales and finance manager, Auto Buying vs Leasing is intended to help you save time and money by providing you with the knowledge and tools needed to negotiate the best deal. What to look for in new and pre-owned...

N. Gregory Mankiw, David Romer

New Keynesian Economics, Vol. 1: Imperfect Competition and Sticky Prices (Readings in Economics)

These two volumes bring together a set of important essays that represent a "new Keynesian" perspective in economics today....

Alan Gart

Regulation, Deregulation, Reregulation : The Future of the Banking, Insurance, and Securities Industries

How insightful is Alan Gart?s Regulation, Deregulation, Reregulation? "This book is a must for anyone who wishes to chart the future of a radically changing financial industry It contains the most comprehensive histories in a single source of...

Gary J. Miller

Managerial Dilemmas: The Political Economy of Hierarchy (Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions)

In organization theory a schism has developed between the traditional organizational behavior literature, based in psychology, sociology and political science, and the more analytically rigorous field of organizational economics. The former stresses...

<<<  Военные приключения. Сборник 6. В сборник вошли остросюжетные приключенческие ...             Charles R. Henry. A General's Insights into Leadership and Management: ... >>>

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