W. Davis Folsom

Understanding American Business Jargon

In the 1990s, the American workplace is undergoing right-sizing, restructuring, downsizing, empowerment, and paradigm shifts! In other words, fewer people are attempting to do more tasks. Business buzzwords help convey ideas, issues, or responses....

Claudine Dervaes


Get ready for destinations abroad with "International Travel". This training guide explains the essentials of world travel and gives coverage on currencies, customs, insurance, passports, time zones, and visas. Numerous examples and exercises...

Stanley B. Block

Foundations of Financial Management

This highly successful undergraduate corporate finance text is recognized for its tradition as the best corporate finance textbook at teaching finance. Block and Hirt's approach focuses on pedagogy and how students learn. With the Ninth edition, the...

Michael W. Allen, Michael Allen

Michael Allen's Guide to E-Learning

As an international speaker and consultant to virtually every business sector over his more than thirty-five years of research and development in technology-based instruction, Michael Allen now speaks out about his frustrations with e-learning and...

David A. Aaker

Developing Business Strategies

"Unquestionably the most comprehensive treatment available on the subject. I found this book unique in its capacity to benefit executives, planning staff, and students of strategy alike."?? Robert L. Joss, Dean of the Graduate School of...

Byron Demmer, Valerie Demmer, Shirley Tarbell, LearningExpress


A job with the U.S. Border Patrol provides more than a good salary and excellent benefits. Border Patrol agents enjoy exciting jobs, diverse experiences, and promotional opportunities. Competition for these challenging jobs is stiff. You have to be...

Gerald. G. Duffy

Explaining Reading: A Resource for Teaching Concepts, Skills, and Strategies

Exemplary teacher research has established that explicit teaching plays a vital role in the K-8 classroom, with particular benefits for struggling readers. This book is a practical resource for explaining reading to students who do not learn to read...

Jim Heid, Nikos Theodosakis

The Macintosh iLife 04 in the Classroom

As a teacher, one problem you face again and again is how to get your students engaged with a topic. Apple's iLife software suite presents the perfect solution. With simple yet powerful tools for making movies, working with photographs, producing...

Joe Zuffoletto, Lou Miranda, Joe Zuffoletto, Lou Miranda

BEA WebLogic Server Bible, Second Edition

* A comprehensive, hands-on guide to the nuts and bolts of installing, administering, and troubleshooting the latest version of WebLogic Server * Extensive coverage of building enterprise applications with this popular J2EE application server...

Geri Gay, Helene Hembrooke

Activity-Centered Design : An Ecological Approach to Designing Smart Tools and Usable Systems (Acting with Technology)

The shift in the practice of human-computer interaction (HCI) Design from user-centered to context-based design marks a significant change in focus. With context-based design, designers start not with a preconceived idea of what users should do, but...

Maria Langer

Excel 2003 for Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide

You may not notice it immediately—since the newly revised Excel doesn't look much different than its predecessor—but the addition of XML support means there's a whole lot that's new under the hood of the world's most popular...

<<<  Виктор Строгальщиков. Край             Charles R. Henry. A General's Insights into Leadership and Management: ... >>>

Фото BP HVK. STRAUSS: WALTZES. Исполнитель: BP HVK Альбом: STRAUSS: Кант и кантианцы. Издание 1978 года. Сохранность хорошая. Munier Sharrieff. Battle Of The Planets Поиск майл.ру Вики Эдуард Веркин. Кошки ходят поперек Т. Н. Подобедова. Южнорусская овчарка. Стандарты. Содержание. Разведение. Яндекс Поиск людей Билайн Твинисы. Вверх и вниз. Помогите! Пес Дудлс полез вверх на дерево и Сергей Алексеев. Сокровища Валькирии. Хранитель Patricia Remele. True Wealth: 12 Steps to Вести Алексей Воронин. Adobe InDesign 2.0 - новейшая верстальная программа. Кровь Триединства. Часть 1. Диск 1. Охота на МТС Нарисуй по точкам и раскрась. Любимые занятие девчонок и мальчишек:
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