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Jeff Wall Jeff Wall: Photographs
Trained as an art historian, Jeff Wall has been working for over 25 years on his expansive light boxes of staged scenes. These backlit photographic transparencies are set in cases generally associated with advertising display; but, instead of...
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Gian Paolo Barbieri Innatural
Book Description Innatural is about fragments of tropical nature, a distinguishing subject of Gian Paolo Barbieri's research, carried out all over the Southern Hemisphere, from Madagascar to the Seychelles, from Polynesia to Tahiti. ...
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Shelley Hong Zu Trading Cards to Comic Strips
Book DescriptionThis book presents the rationale and strategies for integrating popular culture texts into the classroom curriculum. The authors share how using popular culture texts to address reader motivation can better support and enchance...
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Charlotte A. Banchi Beyond This Time
Book DescriptionIn the year 2000, two Maceyville, Alabama police officers respond to a 911 and discover a rift in time. In pursuit of an arsonist, Kathleen A?KatA? Templeton, the departmentA?s first black officer,...
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Robert Dueck Digital Design with CPLD Applications and VHDL, 2E
Book Description This Second Edition continues to use programmable logic as the primary vehicle for teaching digital design principles, and maintains its cutting-edge status by updating to Altera?s newest Quartus II software, the most current method...
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Victor Sharman NELSON'S HERO : The Story of His 'Sea-Daddy' Captain William Locker
Book DescriptionHoratio Nelson's first captain was William Locker who recognized the exceptional talents of the young midshipman who was to become the most famous sailor in history. Thirty-seven years later Admiral Lord Nelson wrote to Locker...
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Rhonda Gowler Greene Firebears, the Rescue Team
Book Description DING-LING-LING! Through the hole. Hurry, slip-slide down the pole! Who are the rescue heroes of Fire Station Number Eight? The Firebears! Sound the siren, grab the hoses, stretch...
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Rosalind Kerven Fairy-Spotter's Handbook
Book DescriptionFrom a rustling in the shadows to strange echoes of laughter and a glimpse - or was it? - of an elusive shape flitting away, these may be signs a fairy is nearby. This whimsically illustrated guidebook shows that fairies come in all...
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Mary Ann, M.D. Barnes Fat Cells, Beauty and You: An Exploration of the Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Dimensions of Weight Management for a Life-Time
Book DescriptionIn Fat Cells, Beauty and You! , physician Mary Ann Barnes has composed a concise and frank report of current research in obesity and nutrition. Adding wit and wisdom from over twenty years experience in her work as a family...
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Ben Graham Maximum Alanis Morissette: The Unauthorised Biography of Alanis Morissette : The Full Story With Interviews + Free Mini-Poster (Maximum)
Book DescriptionThese audio biographies chart the lives and work of some of rock's most memorable acts, from their early days to their rise to fame. Each CD includes comments and interview material by the artist and is accompanied by an eight-page...
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Петербург и другие новые российские города XVIII - первой половины XIX вв.
Серия книг, объединенных общим названием "Русское градостроительное искусство", подготовлена коллективом авторов Научно-исследовательского института теории архитектуры градостроительства под общей редакцией профессора, доктора архитектуры...
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Домой Gods Tower. Anthology (2 CD). Диск упакован в Jewel Case и вложен в картонную
Лев Троцкий. Сталин. Том 2. Игры власти (аудиокнига
Бусы:Волшебная страна 2. Набор для творчества. Бусы.Волшебная
О. Генри. Вождь краснокожих (аудиокнига
У. Бартон. Бунт обреченных
Бренда Джойс. Скандальная любовь
С. Н. Булгаков, А. И. Виноградов, В. В. Леонтьев.
Ярославль, Ульяновск, Королёв, Таганрог, Ногинск, Южно-Сахалинск,
На немецком языке| Биологические науки. Анатомия| Боевики| Кинофильмы для детей| Нормативно-производственные документы и разъяснения к ним| Криминальные детективы| Мелодрамы| Индийские триллеры| Ценные бумаги| Делопроизводство и секретарское дело.Офис-менеджмент.| Фантастика. Фэнтези. Ужасы| Шпионские боевики| Черный юмор| Современные мелодрамы| Ролевые (RPG)| Экология| Биология| Познавательные программы| Афоризмы и анекдоты| Таможенное регулирование| BBC. Видеопрограммы| Музыка к фильмам, спектаклям| Религия. Оккультизм. Эзотерика| Рыбалка и охота| Черный юмор| Фэнтези| Детское кино и семейное кино| Авторское право| Торговля.Продажи| Драмы отношений| Игры, праздники, развлечения для детей| История. Археология. Этнография| Таможенное регулирование| История| Музыка к фильмам, спектаклям| Психологические| Новая история| Комедии| Программы об армии, самообороне, оружии| Бизнес-планирование| Строительные материалы|
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