Антология мирового анекдота. Комплект из девяти книг. И тут Вовочка сказал...

Издание 1994 года. Сохранность хорошая. В книгу вошли забавные миниатюры "юмористов из детсада", а также анекдоты и небылицы острословов школьного и студенческого возрастов. Редакционная коллегия: Ю. В. Никулин, Э. А. Рязанов, М. Н....

Аналитическая химия. Проблемы и подходы. Том 1

Учебное издание по курсу аналитической химии, написанное коллективом преподавателей и авторитетных ученых-аналитиков из ведущих университетов и научных центров Европы. Книга рекомендована в качестве основного учебника по аналитической химии в...

Shannon P. Pratt

Business Valuation Discounts and Premiums

Business Valuation Discounts and Premiums There is often more money in dispute in determining the discounts and premiums in a business valuation than in arriving at the pre-discount valuation itself. Discounts and premiums affect not only the...

Jay Steele

Warren Buffett: : Master of the Market

Warren Buffett is known as the billionaire investment expert of the century and everyone would love to know the secret of his success. In his own words, Buffett is just a regular guy who likes fast food, honest work, and people he can trust. Throw...

Paul Burkett, Martin Hart-Landsberg

Development, Crisis, and Class Struggle: Learning from Japan and East Asia

East Asia has long been the focus of development debates, first as a success story and now as a region in crisis. Nonetheless, there has been little if any serious discussion of what the region’s experience tells us about capitalism and...

Dominick Salvatore, Eugene A. Diulio, Dominick Salvatore

Schaum's Outline of Principles of Economics (Schaum's)

Many students find introductory economics interesting but difficult, so they will really appreciate this study tool designed to make the core material easier to understand. A summary and list of key terms begins each chapter, providing readers...

Aliza Sherman

Powertools for Women in Business: 10 Ways to Succeed in Life and Work

For many women, their professional and personal lives are intimately entwined. PowerTools shows women how to leverage this holistic approach to their best advantage. Through artfully woven research, interviews, and personal experiences, Aliza...

Stephen E. Loeb, Paul J. Miranti

The Institute of Accounts (Routledge New Works in Accounting History)

While the question of how the expansion of knowledge affected organizational growth and decay has been central to studies of many professions, it has generally been overlooked in the analysis of the evolution of accounting. This book fills that gap...

Gloria D. Heinemann, Antonette M. Zeiss

Team Performance in Health Care: Assessment and Development (Issues in the Practice of Psychology)

This volume presents the work of clinical health care teams and natural work groups, quality improvement teams, committees, and task forces made up of employees in health care settings. Collaboration and interdependence in health care is necessary...

Franklin Covey

Franklin Covey Style Guide for Business and Technical Communication (+ CD-ROM)

Effective communication is simply good customer service. We serve our customers well by sharing relevant information quickly and efficiently. We fail to serve them when we give them information that is unclear, inaccurate, or irrelevant. These...

Mark Rowh

Great Jobs for Political Science Majors

GREAT JOBS SERIES ANSWERS THE QUESTION, "WHAT CAN I DO WITH A MAJOR IN . . . ?" Every college major gives students valuable skills and training, perfect for a wide range of careers. The Great Jobs series helps students:...

<<<  С. С. Акимов, А. Х. Ахмалишева, А. В. Хренов. Биология в таблицах, схемах ...             Акопов Л.В., Смоленский М.Б.. Административное ... >>>

Почта КМ Нигма Ф. Лурье. Полицейские и провокаторы BBK SP-012 светлое дерево. Комплект активной акустики Thurman W. Arnold. The Bottlenecks of Business Марсель Эме. Сказки кота Мурлыки. Синяя книга Мир современных катеров и яхт. 2007-2008. В каталоге представлены ведущие Jean Zukowski/Faust & Tay Lesley. Passages Российская газета Стюарт Болл Р.. Аналоговые интерфейсы микроконтроллеров ЖЖ J-P Chanda. Oswald's Sand Castle Contest (Oswald)
Таганрог, Саратов, Люберцы, Киров, Ангарск, Рубцовск, Кострома, Владикавказ, Красноярск, Калуга, Канск, Братск, Калининград,
Основы программирования| Науки о Земле| Деловая пресса| Право в сфере бизнеса| Эзотерика. Парапсихология. Тайны| Танец. Хореография| Компьютер в бизнесе| Тесты, ПДД| Куклы| Иностранные языки| Курсы иностранных языков| Методы "слепого" набора текста| Дошкольное воспитание| Мультипликационные сериалы| Исторические личности| Охрана труда| Промышленность. Энергетика| Средние века| Буддизм|
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