Christopher Sykes

Wassmuss "Le Lawrence Allemand"

Париж, 1936 год. Издательство "Payot". Ледериновый переплет. Кожаные уголки. Кожаный бинтовой корешок. Сохранность хорошая. С двумя картами и 12 гравюрами на отдельных листах. Перевод с английского Andrien F. Vochelle. Wassmuss "Le...

И. Пригожин, И. Стенгерс

Время. Хаос. Квант. К решению парадокса времени

Книга лауреата Нобелевской премии Ильи Пригожина и его соавтора Изабеллы Стенгерс посвящена широкому кругу проблем, интенсивно изучаемых в Международном институте физики и химии Э.Сольвэ в Брюсселе и Научно-исследовательском центре по...

Shakti Gawain

The Four Levels of Healing: A Guide to Balancing the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical Aspects of Life

In this profoundly exciting and challenging time, individuals may find they are involved in a difficult yet fascinating learning process - both their personal evolution and the evolution of human consciousness. In this book, best-selling author...

Guy Garcia

The New Mainstream : How the Multicultural Consumer Is Transforming American Business

Book Description An economic revolution is transforming America: the New Mainstream. In this groundbreaking book, Guy Garcia explains how Americans will eat, work, play, learn, and spend money in the twenty-first century -- and why any...

Sam Negri

Arizona: The Beauty of It All

Book DescriptionIf you had to choose just one affordably-priced book to be representative of Arizona's natural beauty, in all its variety and splendor, this would be it. First, there are the photographs: more than 65 of them, by the most...

Helmut Newton

Helmut Newton: Pola Woman

What a sketch is for the painter is a Polaroid for the photographer, namely the first formulation of a concept, the raw material of the imagination, as it were. When Helmut Newton published a selection of his Polaroids in Pola Woman in 1992, the...

Harpo Marx

Harpo Speaks!

Amazon.comTo Marx Brothers fans who have yet to read this book: Put it off as long as you can, because once you are finished, you will wish you could read it again for the first time. Harpo's life was interesting in itself, but it also frequently...

Hank Stine

The Prisoner : A Day In The Life (Prisoner Collection)

Book Description Every day in The Village is just like every other. There's the beach and the theatre, and the tennis court . . . and the mysterious underground chamber where every move is watched. In this sinister wonderland for those who know...

Martha Baker-Jordan

Practical Piano Pedogy

Book DescriptionPractical Piano Pedagogy,by Dr.Martha Baker-Jordan is a comprehensive 468-page pedagogy text for ALL piano teachers including those future teachers who are currently enrolled in pedagogy courses in colleges and ...

Lori Goodman

Wordplay : Fun games for Building Reading and Writing Skills in Children With Learning Difficulties

Book Description Finally a fun way for children to learn to read and write Learning can and should be fun. Yet many students struggling to develop their reading and writing skills are discouraged by the sheer boredom associated with...

Г. Л. Олди

Орден Святого Бестселлера, или Выйти в тираж

Однажды Влад Снегирь, модный писатель-фантаст и легкомысленный молодой человек, узнает, что теперь он - рыцарь Ордена Святого Бестселлера. Сочтя это дурной шуткой, Влад ошибся. Потому что впереди у него были девять кругов весьма своеобразного...

<<<  Энциклопедия для детей. Выбор профессии. Книга интересно, объективно и ...             Акопов Л.В., Смоленский М.Б.. Административное ... >>>

Джон Мильтон. Потерянный рай William J. V. Neill. Urban Planning and Cultural Identity (The Rtpi Library Adrian Perrig, J. D. Tygar. Secure Broadcast Communication: In Транслит И. А. Ширшов. Толковый словообразовательный словарь русского языка The Best Cover Traxx, Vol. 1. Tell It To My Heart; The Finer MOMENTS MUSICOUX/ IMPROMPTUS/KLAVERSTUCKE. Kiyoshi Suzaki. The New Shop Floor Management: И. М. Дьяконов. Пути истории. От древнейшего человека до наших дней М. Л. Абрамсон. Человек итальянского Возрождения. Главная книга для девочек. Тайны имени и судьбы. В книге рассказывается о А. Г. Кутузов, А. К. Киселев, Е. С. Романичева, КМ
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