Robert G. Hagstrom Jr.

The Essential Buffett: Timeless Principles for the New Economy

Critical Praise for The Essential Buffett "Far more than a first-class distillation of the investment wisdom of Warren Buffett, The Essential Buffett is an education. By placing Buffett?s approach into a broader context, Robert Hagstrom...

Лев Шилов

Голоса, зазвучавшие вновь. Записки звукоархивиста-шестидесятника

В книге рассказывается об обстоятельствах записи на фонограф, пластинки и магнитофонные ленты авторского чтения Л.Толстого, А.Блока, В.Маяковского, С.Есенина, М.Зощенко, М.Булгакова, Б.Пастернака, А.Ахматовой, Н.Гумилева, К.Чуковского. Ряд глав...

Alan M. Koral

Conducting the Lawful Employment Interview : How to Avoid Charges of Discrimination When Interviewing Job Candidates

A concise, practical, immediately applicable book on how to avoid charges of discrimination when interviewing job candidates. Describes, in plain English, definitions of the federal Equal Employment Opportunity laws and orders and guidance about...

C. Fred Bergsten, Takatoshi Ito, Marcus Noland

No More Bashing: Building a New Japan-United States Economic Relationship

After a decade of sub-par performance, the Japanese economy remains in the doldrums. Now, after a decade of extraordinarily strong performance, the United States economy is slowing. The ability of the world's two largest economies to reestablish...

C. Eurgene Steurle

Economic Effects of Health Care Reform (Special Studies in Health Reform)

This book discusses the economic effects of health care reform....

Deborah L. Norden, Roberto Russell

The United States and Argentina

Historically, Argentina has been one of the strongest, most independent countries of Latin America. It seems odd then, that Argentina should develop a foreign policy during the post-Cold War period characterized by a strong allegiance to the United...

U.S. Embassy the Hague

Country Commercial Guide: Netherlands (Country Commercial Guides)

The United States' partnership with the Netherlands is its oldest continuous relationship and dates back to the American Revolution. Our excellent bilateral relations with the Netherlands are based on close historical and cultural ties and a common...

Matt Winter

Asperger Syndrome: What Teachers Need to Know

As awareness of Asperger Syndrome (AS) grows, it becomes increasingly important that all professionals are familiar with and understand the condition. However, for teachers it is difficult to quickly access the necessary details for working with AS...

Герман Гессе


Герман Гессе, лауреат Нобелевской премии, автор знаменитых романов "Игра в бисер", "Степной волк", повестей "Нарцисс и Гольдмунд", "Демиан" и т.д. Повесть "Сиддхартха" (1922) обобщает ранние произведения Гессе, связанные с индийской...

Icon Health Publications

Coffee: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Andrew Dillon

Designing Usable Electronic Text: Ergonomic Aspects of Human Information Usage

Poor design and a failure to consider the user often act against the effectiveness in online communication. Designing Usable Electronic Text, Second Edition explores the human issues that underlie information usage and stresses that usability is...

<<<  Мэри Бэлоу. Похититель снов             Акопов Л.В., Смоленский М.Б.. Административное ... >>>

Block H R.. H&R Block just plain smart (tm) Donna Andrews. Murder With Puffins: A Meg Langslow Катя Матюшкина. Кот да Винчи. Улыбка VARIOUS A. MUSSORGSKY (SACD). Исполнитель: VARIOUS A Альбом: MUSSORGSKY С. А. Кравченко. Социология. Парадигмы через BP/HRSO/KAMU. SIBELIUS/SYMPH.2. Исполнитель: BP/HRSO/KAMU Рейтинг Деятельность социального педагога в образовательном Газета.ру David Hoffmann. Holistic Herbal: A Safe and Practical Guide to Making Al Cooper. Sex and the Internet: A Guide РБК ЖЖ Евгения Шацкая. Средняя школа стервы. Мужчины: пособие Рамблер Альберт Иванов. Все о Хоме и Суслике МТС Работа
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