Кейт Дуглас Уиггин

Ребекка с фермы Солнечный Ручей

Как хорошо быть красавицей! Глаза - голубые, волосы - золотистые, губы - бантиком. Ты идешь по улице в нарядном платьице, все прохожие оборачиваются тебе вслед и восклицают: "Ах, какая прелестная девочка!" Но Ребекке Рэндл не повезло родиться...

Warren J. Samuels, J. E. Biddle

Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Volume 20 : Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: A Research Annual

Contains articles on Adam Smith, Antonio Horta Ororio, John Maynard Keynes, and on methodological, interpretive and policy issues of economic development in Ghana. Also contains review essays on twenty-two new books on the history and...

Charles Graybar

Calm amid Chaos

Charles Graybar has led a remarkable existence by almost anyone?s account. His pathway in life has spanned his early in life formal studies in physics to a career that took him to seats on several corporate boards of directors and finally to...

Robert Chambers

Participatory Workshops: A Sourcebook of 21 Sets of Ideas and Activities

Twenty-one sets of twenty-one ideas, activities and tips drawn from decades of international practical experience Making participation real requires workshops, training and learning that are themselves participatory. This sourcebook presents the...

Jerry Ryan, Roberta Ryan

Preparing for Career Success :

This colorful career text has occupational information including career development educational planning and job seeking and holding skills that are emphasized along with a strong theme of planning and decision-making. It also provides the latest...

Stephen Diorio

Beyond "e": 12 Ways Technology is Transforming Sales & Marketing

The dizzying barrage of new marketing technologies is leading to confusion, the rule of “hype,” and bad marketing investments and decisions. Beyond "e" is designed to help sales and marketing executives look beyond current...

Shaun Heap Hargreaves, Martin Hollis

The Theory of Choice: A Critical Guide

What makes a choice rational? A common answer is that a rational agent calculates the probable net benefits of each possible course of action and chooses the one that best satisfies his or her given preferences. Rational choice is thus about means,...

Katherine Kline

Playmaker: A New Concept of Leadership in the Post-Newtonian Age, A dissertation

Sick of bosses who don't recognize your talents? Wonder how to find a better work environment where your abilities at problem-solving are more appreciated? Learn about a new kind of leadership that supports collaboration and takes its model from...

Robert K. Greenleaf

Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of Legitimate Power & Greatness

"Robert K.Greenleaf's wisdom has inspired us for over 25 years. It is my fervent hope that this most welcome new edition of Servant Leadership will influence a new generation worldwide to transform global capitalism and serve better the whole...

Richard C Huseman, Richard C. Huseman, Merwyn A. Hayes

Give-To-Get Leadership: The Secret of the Hidden Paycheck

Much of the old loyalty employees once had for their companies gone. Years of downsizing, mergers and other cost-cutting strategies have left employees feeling they are holding the short end of the stick in their relationships with their employers....

Avinash Kak

Programming with Objects: A Comparative Presentation of Object Oriented Programming with C++ and Java

Your essential comparative approach to learning C++ and Java Programming with Objects: A Comparative Presentation of Object-Oriented Programming with C++ and Java, a comparative presentation of object-oriented programming with two of the most...

<<<  Корней Чуковский. Доктор Айболит             Акопов Л.В., Смоленский М.Б.. Административное ... >>>

Мой мир Левадный В. С., Бурлака А. П.. Сварочные работы Работа Народ.ру Bad Balance. Выше закона. Выше закона; КМ Ken A. Priebe. The Art of Stop-Motion Animation Билайн Все о Линукс КМ Е. И. Никитина. Русская речь. Развитие речи. 5 класс В. П. Ермаков, Г. А. Якунин. Основы тифлопедагогики. Развитие, Компьютерные новости Все о Линукс Дуги Бримсон. Бешеная армия. Облик футбольного насилия
Киселёвск, Черкесск, Волжский, Барнаул, Норильск, Каменск-Уральский, Челябинск, Тюмень, ВеликийНовгород, Обнинск, Серпухов, Октябрьский, Кисловодск, Владимир, Волгоград, Иваново, Нефтеюганск, Артём, Томск, Нижневартовск, Новочебоксарск, Канск, Хасавюрт, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Элиста, Рубцовск, Красноярск, Орск,
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