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Andres Serbin Sunset over the Islands: The Caribbean in an Age of Global and Regional Challenges
No region of the world has been so affected as the Caribbean by the geopolitical and economic changes caused by the end of the Cold War and the impact of globalization. This book analyzes the problems of regionalization, integration and...
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Adams Media The Boston Jobbank (Boston Jobbank, 19th Ed)
Who to call to land a job, where to send your resume, and who the major employers are The bestselling regional job search series for more than 20 years, JobBanks include company profiles featuring: -Full company name, address, and phone...
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Larry R. Frerkes Becoming a Police Officer: A Guide to Successful Entry Level Testing
Law enforcement chooses only the best candidates. BECOMING A POLICE OFFICER will overwhelmingly improve your chances of getting hired. Learn about testing effectively, background investigations, true aspects of prior drug use, what the job really...
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Doug Henwood Wall Street: How It Works and for Whom
A scathing dissection of the wheeling and dealing in the world's greatest financial center. Spot rates, zero coupons, blue chips, futures, options on futures, indexes, options on indexes. The vocabulary of a financial market can seem arcane, even...
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Bruce; Palaniuk, Marvin Sparks, Jeff Miller, Bruce Palaniuk, Jeffrey Miller Growing Millionaire Kids
Growing Millionaire Kids proves that it's never too late to start investing. But, the sooner you get started, the sooner you will benefit from financial independence. The easy-to-follow steps in Growing Millionaire Kids are powerful tools for any...
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Stephan Kudyba, Romesh Diwan Information Technology, Corporate Productivity, and the New Economy
The authors bring a dual perspective--that of a practicing consultant and that of a professor of economics--to the complex strategic questions facing managers and corporate leaders who want their firms to get the most out of their investments in...
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Mary J. Butler MJays Financial Management Guide
Eliminate Financial Stress! MJays Financial Management Guide offers a simple, readable approach to Financial Management for people of all ages. It contains reliable information to help you take control of your money. It includes chapters on: "...
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Bruce Fraser, Fred Bunting, Chris Murphy Real World Color Management
Every graphics professional worth his or her salt knows the importance of color management. No matter how much thought artist and client put into the color scheme for a given project, all of that work is for naught if you can't get your...
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Geert Lovink Uncanny Networks : Dialogues with the Virtual Intelligentsia (Leonardo Books)
For Geert Lovink, interviews are imaginative texts that can help to create global, networked discourses not only among different professions but also among different cultures and social groups. Conducting interviews online, over a period of weeks or...
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Drew Sellers, Gordon Swift Access 2000
This 4 page, laminated, full-color guide is a fantastic resource for anyone who uses Access 2000! In a concise user-friendly format, it provides step-by-step instructions, short cuts and tips on how to execute the basic commands of the software. The...
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Icon Health Publications Bubonic Plague: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References
In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...
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Домой М. А. Гацкевич. Английский язык. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений
М. Клейн. Спроси меня о чем угодно
Филип Рив. Золото хищников
Catherine Jazdzewski. Helena Rubinstein
В. А. Хомич. Экология городской среды
Иосиф Флавий. Иудейская война (аудиокнига MP3 на 2 CD)
A. G. Malliaris, William A. Brock. Stochastic Methods in
Jonathan Harr. The Lost Painting
Thomas R. Leinbach, Richard Ulack. Southeast Asia: Diversity
Л. Л. Босова, Т. Н. Чемова, В. С. Савельева, А. Ю. Босова.
Альбина Звеньева. Голубая элита России
FERENC FRICSAY. 1949 - CENTENARY. Исполнитель:
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