Gordon De Brouwer

Financial Integration in East Asia (Trade and Development)

Financial Intergration in East Asia explains the different methods economists use to assess how open a country's financial system is to domestic and international influences, and applies these tests to ten countries in East Asia. It explains how a...

D. A. Gowland, Arthur Turner, David Gowland

Britain and European Integration : Primary Sources Since 1945

An illuminating and comprehensive exploration of a subject which has dominated the British political scene for much of the period since the Second World War. Through a wide and varied collection of documents, complemented by detailed and perceptive...

Michael P. Dombeck, Christopher A. Wood, Jack E. Williams

From Conquest to Conservation: Our Public Lands Legacy

From Conquest to Conservation is a visionary new work from three of the nation?s most knowledgeable experts on public lands. As chief of the Forest Service, Mike Dombeck became a lightning rod for public debate over issues such as the management...

United States Senate

Crime and Secrecy: The Use of Offshore Banks and Companies

Crime which exploits offshore haven banks, trusts and companies is extensive, and is expanding. Criminals, tax evaders, and fraudulent offshore operators can rely on the secrecy and non-cooperativeness of specific offshore havens to shield them from...

Christian L. Dunis

Forecasting Financial Markets : Exchange Rates, Interest Rates and Asset Management (Financial Economics and Quantitative Analysis Series)

Today s financial markets are characterised by a large number of participants, with different appetites for risk, different time horizons, different motivations and reactions to unexpected news. The mathematical techniques and models used in the...

Peter Krass

The Book of Investing Wisdom : Classic Writings by Great Stock-Pickers and Legends of Wall Street (Book of Business Wisdom)

Praise for The Book of Investing Wisdom . "Those who invest well have an innate ability to distill abundant, raw information into the scarce commodity of wisdom. Here's how some of the best have done it down through the...

Рассказы, освежающие разум и изгоняющие печаль

Предлагаемый сборник - "Рассказы, освежающие разум и изгоняющие печаль" включает образцы сирийской литературы - как средневековой, так и новейшей. Эта литература, с которой русский читатель знаком еще недостаточно хорошо, и иногда склонен...

E. Domany, J.L. Van Hemmen, K. Schulten

Models of Neural Networks II: Temporal Aspects of Coding and Information Processing in Biological Systems (Physics of Neural Networks)

The theory of neural nets has two new paradigms: information coding through coherent firing of the neurons and structural feedback. As compared to traditional neural nets, spiking neurons provide an extra degree of freedom: time; this degree of...

Lawrence J. Kamm

Understanding Electro-Mechanical Engineering : An Introduction to Mechatronics (IEEE Press Understanding Science & Technology Series)

With a focus on electromechanical systems in a variety of fields, this accessible introductory text brings you coverage of the full range of electrical mechanical devices used today. You'll gain a comprehensive understanding of the design process...

Mehdi Khosrowpour

Effective Utilization and Management of Emerging Information Technologies: The 1998 Conference Proceedings in Boston Massachusettes

Idea Group Publishing is pleased to announce that the 1998 Information Resources Management Association (IRMA) International Conference Proceedings was published in a bound-book format. Effective Utilization and Management of Emerging Information...

Jean-Bernard Martens

Image Technology Design: A Perceptual Approach (The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, Secs 735)

Image Technology Design: A Perceptual Approach is an essential reference for both academic and professional researchers in the fields of image technology, image processing and coding, image display, and image quality. It bridges the gap between...

<<<  С. В. Ломакович, Л. И. Тимченко. Рабочая тетрадь по русскому ...             В. Я. Франц. Оборудование швейного производства >>>

Литература. Практикум. Учебное пособие знакомит James L. Kenkel. Introductory Statistics BRENDEL/CHICAGO SY. BEETHOVEN:KLAV.KO. Исполнитель: А. В. Гнездилов. Психология и психотерапия потерь Антифоменковская мозаика - 3. С появлением третьей книги Cheap Trick: From Tokyo To You - Live In Japan (DVD+CD). In the summer Погода Ганс Христиан Андерсен. Огниво Торты и пирожные (на спирали). 34 самых разнообразных Don Rosa. The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck Companion Н. А. Лазаревич. Биотехнологические проблемы современной социальной экологии Нигма Ливе
Тамбов, Тюмень, Уссурийск, Иркутск, Ноябрьск, Калининград, Астрахань, Челябинск, Чита, Подольск, НижнийНовгород, Воронеж, НижнийНовгород, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Новотроицк,
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