Steven Harris

Surrealist Art and Thought in the 1930s : Art, Politics, and the Psyche

Book DescriptionThis volume examines the intersection of Hegelian aesthetics, experimental art and poetry, Marxism and psychoanalysis in the development of the theory and practice of the Surrealist movement. Steven Harris analyzes the consequences...

Dracula in London

Dracula lives! but more in name than spirit in 16 new period riffs on his legend. Going back to Bram Stoker's original novel, Elrod (Time of the Vampires) asked contributors to this anthology, "What ELSE was Dracula doing in London when he was not...

Marion Zimmer Bradley

Heartlight ("Light")

Heartlight is the story of Bradley’s greatest champion of good, Colin MacLaren, as he carries the banner of Light through the second half of the twentieth century. Ghostbuster, exorcist, student and teacher of the mysticarts, Colin...

Padraic Colum

The Golden Fleece : And the Heroes Who Lived Before Achilles

Book Description Enter a world where harpies torment mortals, the Argonaut Orpheus sings, the mighty god Zeus wages war on the Titans, and Prometheus steals fire. Author Padraic Colum weaves the tales of Jason and his Argonauts with classic Greek...

Heather Nunn

Thatcher, Politics and Fantasy: The Political Culture of Gender and Nation

Book DescriptionDrawing on a wide range of sources including speeches, press photos, campaign posters, radio interviews, magazine articles, and political biographies, this well-documented analysis explores the persona of Margaret Thatcher and the...

Acton Figueroa

Robots: Rodney Goes to Town (Festival Reader)

Book Description Join Rodney as he sets out to make a name for himself in the big city. Although he is only a young robot, Rodney's big heart and talent for inventing should make him a huge success. Unfortunately, Robot City no longer...

Steve Babin

Developing Software for Symbian OS : An Introduction to Creating Smartphone Applications in C++ (Symbian Press)

Book DescriptionThe overall goal of this book is to provide introductory coverage of Symbian OS and get developers who have little or no knowledge of Symbian OS developing as quickly as possible. A clear and concise text on how...

Latin American Cinema: Essays on Modernity, Gender and National Identity

Book DescriptionRenewed interest in Latin American film industries has opened a host of paths of scholarly exploration. Productions from different countries reflect particular social attitudes, political climates and self-conceptions, and must be...

Eric H. Glendinning

English in Medicine: A Course in Communication Skills

Book DescriptionEnglish in Medicine is a course for doctors, medical students and other medical professionals who need to communicate with patients and medical colleagues. The course is at an intermediate level and does not require specialist...

Rich Landau, Kate Jacoby

Horizons: The Cookbook

Over 100 globally inspired recipes from Horizons Cafe in Philadelphia, one of the premier vegetarian restaurants in the country, delivers the best of gourmet meatless cuisine. Carnivores and vegetarians alike have raved over the seitan, tofu and...

Ромен Роллан

Жан-Кристоф. В четырех томах. Том 4

В настоящий том вошли девятая и десятая книги романа "Жан-Кристоф" - "Неопалимая купина", "Грядущий день"....

<<<  Марина Цветаева. Марина Цветаева. Собрание сочинений. В семи томах. Том 6             В. А. Бородин. Бухгалтерский учет >>>

КМ Л. Н. Толстой. Хаджи - Мурат. Казаки Народ.ру РБК Бесплатные объявления Мой мир Казанова. Казанова. История моей жизни Владимир Свержин. Время наступает Кэрол Таркингтон. Как быстро и эффективно победить простуду Steve Hillage. Live Herald. К данному изданию прилагается буклет с фотографиями Тетрадь розовая на спирали "MyMy", формат А5. Эта симпатичная тетрадь Апорт Российская газета Погода Ирина и Леонид Тюхтяевы. Зоки и Бада. Пособие для детей по воспитанию Х. Херсонский. Вахтангов Евгений Замятин. Бич Божий Language in Use. Уровень 1 - Beginner. Апорт Иэн М. Бэнкс. Вспомни о Флебе Татьяна Борщ. Полный астрологический календарь на 2008 год
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