Six Community Psychologists Tell Their Stories: History, Contexts, and Narrative

Book DescriptionSix Community Psychologists Tell Their Stories: History, Contexts, and Narrative presents the unique opportunity to examine how culture and social norms have combined with chance, coincidence, and serendipity to form the professional...


Memoir of a Modern Opium Eater

Book DescriptionAN INDISPENSABLE TALE for anyone who has ever succumbed to a pernicious addiction, only to have it consume one's entire existence, the Memoir of a Modern Opium Eater both lifts the reader into the firmament of drug-induced rapture...

Michael B. Gannon

Blood, Bedlam, Bullets, and Badguys : A Reader's Guide to Adventure/Suspense Fiction (Genreflecting Advisory Series)

Hooked on adventure and suspense fiction? This comprehensive guide of over 2,000 annotations addresses the genre and its subgenres and includes titles published between 1941 and 2004. Each annotation describes and evaluates the best and most popular...

Movie Blockbusters

Book DescriptionBig-budget, spectacular films designed to appeal to mass audience: is this what- or all- blockbusters are? Movie Blockbusters brings together leading film scholars to consider this most high-profile and culturally significant genre....

Erica Pass

SpongeBob SantaPants (SpongeBob SquarePants)

Book Description Ho, ho, ho -- uh-oh...something's wrong! The Christmas spirit is missing from Bikini Bottom! Can SpongeBob bring it back? Find out in this very merry lift-the-flap story! ...

Bob the Builder: Ready, Set, Race! (Ready-to-Read, Level 1)

Book Description Spud wants to win the egg and spoon race. But what can he do to keep the egg on his spoon?...

John Bealle

Old-time Music And Dance: Community And Folk Revival

Book DescriptionIn the summer of 1972, a group of young people in Bloomington, Indiana, began a weekly gathering with the purpose of reviving traditional American old-time music and dance. In time, the group became a kind of accidental utopia, a...

Peter Grimm

The Prostate Cancer Treatment Book

Book Description The latest and most progressive treatment advice from prostate cancer experts at the nation's top medical centers For each of the nearly 200,000 Americans diagnosed with prostate cancer annually, the months following...

A Companion to Chretien de Troyes (Arthurian Studies) (Arthurian Studies)

Book DescriptionChretien de Troyes is arguably the creator of Arthurian romance, and it is on his work that later writers have based their interpretations. This book offers both crucial information on, and a comprehensive coverage of, all...

Арлен Тоньетти, Кэтрин А. Глизон

Как предсказать себе богатство

Найдите ответы на интересующие вас вопросы о богатстве, используя знаки Зодиака, карты, медитацию, позитивное мышление и упражнения по развитию интуиции. Данная книга позволит вам лучше понять природу ваших доходов и имущества, а также...

Ю. Бондарев

Горячий снег

Вниманию читателей предлагается известный роман классика отечественной литературы Ю.В.Бондарева....

<<<  В гостях у сказки №4. Сборник русских народных сказок. Гуси-лебеди ...             В. А. Бородин. Бухгалтерский учет >>>

Мегафон Поиск работы Все о Линукс Шапочка для плавания "VIEW" (NBL), силиконовая. Шапочка Anne Geddes. My First Five Years - Flower Бут Т.В.. Математика. 4 класс. Поурочные планы по учебнику Л. Вики Филип Рот. Случай Портного О компьютерах Одноклассники Сергей Мерцалов. 365. Хронограф Учись считать. Игра на магнитах. Игра "Учись считать" представляет Валентин Пикуль. Тайный советник. Исторические миниатюры. С. Г. Мамонтов, В. Б. Захаров. Общая биология
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