Nick Wilkinson

Managerial Economics : A Problem-Solving Approach

Book DescriptionComprehensive, student-friendly introduction with extensive case studies and problem-solving exercises....

Richard Leblanc

Inside the Boardroom: How Boards Really Work and the Coming Revolution in Corporate Governance

Book DescriptionDistinguished governance experts offer cures for what ails our boards of directors In light of corporate malfeasance in recent years, the governance of corporations has been receiving great attention from regulators,...

Rafael Aguayo

The Metaknowledge Advantage : The Key to Success in the New Economy

Book Description In the tradition of the bestselling Intellectual Capital , internationally recognized management and quality expert Rafael Aguayo shows how integrated mastery of many areas of knowledge -- MetaKnowledge -- can give...

Varieties of Unionism: Struggles for Union Revitalization in a Globalizing Economy

Book DescriptionAs unions face an ongoing crisis all over the industrialized world, they have often been portrayed as outmoded remnants of an old economic structure. This book argues that despite structural shifts in the economy and in politics,...

Louis E. Boone

Planning Your Financial Future (with Xtra! Access)

Book Description The goal of this text is to help readers make better financial decisions. It adopts a life-cycle approach to financial planning. The writing style, designed for readers with diverse educational backgrounds, is informal and...

Steve Chinn

The Trouble With Maths: A Practical Guide to Helping Learners With Numeracy Difficulties

Book DescriptionThis book will be invaluable to teachers, classroom assistants, and SENCos dealing with pupils who are underachieving in mathematics....

Femme Fashion

Book DescriptionUnusual costume design from more than two centuries of European fashion history - ranging from Neo-Classicism and Biedermeier to the late 20th century - and including cutting-edge creations by European fashion designers as well as...

Atelier Adamson

Atelier Adamson

Book DescriptionBased in Washington, D.C., Atelier Adamson is considered by many to be the world's highest-quality digital printmaker, and given the studio's collaboration with some of the best-known and most influential artists of our time, that's...


Modemuseum/The Fashion Museum: Backstage

Book DescriptionDespite a 1997 article in Business Week that stated, "It is difficult to imagine Antwerp, one of Europe's major seaports, as a center of fashion," Antwerp has become just that. Today, the city enjoys a superior reputation for...

Susan Maciver

Tides of Change: The Atlantis Chronicles (Atlantis Chronicles, 1)

Tides of Change, Book 1 of "The Atlantis Chronicles" is the beginning of an epic journey that begins far beneath the wild beauty of the Aegean Sea. An ancient society has survived one devastating catastrophe only to face the stark realityof imminent...

Thomas Herzog

Facade Construction Manual

Book DescriptionFacades - they are the first feature of a building to be noticed, they determine its distinctive appearance and are often the subject of controversial debate. This new first edition of the Facade Construction Manual provides a...

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