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Gustav Ranis, Lakeshmi K. Raut, L.K. Raut Trade, Growth and Development
Hardbound. In March 1998 professional colleagues and students of T.N. Srinivasan joined together at the Festschrift Conference at Yale to honor his work. The book contains nineteen of the contributions which were presented, reflecting the four...
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Theodore W. Kheel, William L. Lurie The Keys to Conflict Resolution 2 Ed: Proven Methods of Resolving Disputes Voluntarily
Over the last six decades, lawyer, businessman, and philanthropist Ted Kheel has resolved thousands of national and international disputes involving labor, business, civil rights, and the environment. In The Keys to Conflict Resolution, Kheel spells...
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Paul Beynon-Davies E-Business
E-Business provides a balanced, holistic overview of the phenomenon of e-business and its role in transforming organizations. It takes a world-wide perspective and discusses the impact of ICT within both the private and public sectors. A...
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Amy Irvine Making a Difference : Inspirational Stories of How Outdoor Industry and Individuals are Working to Preserve America's Natural Places
This is a book about grassroots environmental organizations - most of them staffed with local volunteers - fighting to save their wild backyards. It's a collection of stories about people who were aghast when they learned some company or some agency...
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Stephen Northcutt, Lenny Zeltser, Scott Winters, Karen Fredrick, Ronald W. Ritchey Inside Network Perimeter Security: The Definitive Guide to Firewalls, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), Routers, and Intrusion Detection Systems
The most practical, comprehensive solution to defending your network perimeter. Get expert insight from the industry's leading voices: Stephen Northcutt and the expertise of the SANS team. Inside Network Perimeter Security is a practical guide to...
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Theo Mandel The Elements of User Interface Design
". . . a book that should be forced on every developer working today. If only half the rules in this book were followed, the quality of most programs would increase tenfold." -Kevin Bachus, praising Theo Mandel's The GUI-OOUI War ...
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Nancy Buchanan PowerPoint 2003: Top 100 Simplified Tips & Tricks
* Provides adventurous PowerPoint users with a visual reference on how to create exciting presentations, using the bells and whistles found in the latest program version * This book features full-color screen shots and step-by-step...
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Doug Lowe Microsoft Office 97 for Windows for Dummies Quick Reference
Now you can have the power of Microsoft Office 97 at your fingertips whenever you sit down to work. In Microsoft Office 97 For Windows For Dummies Quick Reference , you find all the tips, shortcuts, and quick solutions you need in order to use...
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Goldhamer Step-By-Step Windows 95, Text with 3.5" and 5.25" Data Disks
Step-by-Step Windows 95 is designed to teach students to master the features of Windows 95. It's based on learning by doing, with reinforcement, practice, and application as the key components of each lesson. In addition to covering the specific...
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Уго Ди Фонте Дегустатор
История "маленького человека", рисковавшего жизнью три раза в день - за завтраком, обедом и ужином… Роман-мистификация, роман-комедия, роман-игра, стилизованный под ренессансную "комедию нравов" и уносящий читателя в блестящую Италию эпохи...
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О. С. Габриелян, Г. Г. Лысова Химия 11 класс. Контрольные и проверочные работы к учебнику О. С. Габриеляна, Г. Г. Лысовой "Химия. 11"
Настоящее пособие состоит из текстов контрольных и проверочных работ, соответствующих программе по химии для 11 класса О.С.Габриеляна. Оно предназначено для проведения на уроках текущего и итогового контроля по основным темам курса....
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Домой Рефераты
Мультипотам. Выпуск 1. 01. Мультипотам , 2001,
Межотраслевые правила по охране труда при электро- и газосварочных работах.
Joann Zocchi. How To Take Perfect Scrapbook
Дмитрий Балашок. Господин Великий Новгород
После войны - мир / Человек с другой стороны (2 в 1). После войны - мир (1988
Вера и Марина Воробей. Останься со мной
William Faulkner. A Summer of Faulkner: As I Lay Dying/The Sound and
Никита Культин. Visual Basic. Освой самостоятельно (+
И. Б. Хриплович. Общая теория относительности
Татьяна Чередниченко. Музыкальный запас. 70-е.
Междуреченск, Назрань, Елец, Нижний Тагил, Люберцы, Череповец, Кызыл, Первоуральск, СергиевПосад, Коломна, Ноябрьск, Альметьевск, СергиевПосад,
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