Mike Buckle

The UK Financial System : Fourth Edition

Book Description Substantially revised and updated, this fourth edition presents a comprehensive explanation of the workings of the institutions and markets which make up the UK financial system, and discusses the issues affecting them. It...

Advances in the Economics of Information Systems

Book DescriptionAdvances in the Economics of Information Systems provides a wide perspective on the issues related to applications of economics to information systems area. From grid computing to online auctions, the reader can find novel uses of...

Malvern J. Gross

Financial and Accounting Guide for Not-for-Profit Organizations, 2004 Cumulative Supplement (Financial and Accounting Guide for Not for Profit Organizations Cumulative Supplement)

Book DescriptionThe 2004 Cumulative Supplement includes: A summary of the FASB Statements that have been issued since the 2003 Cumulative Supplement. A summary of the major provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the Appendix...

Steven M. Bragg

Inventory Accounting : A Comprehensive Guide (Wiley Best Practices)

Book DescriptionDramatically improve inventory accuracy with bestselling author Steven Bragg's step-by-step guidelines Inventory Accounting is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to setting up an inventory accounting system and...

Савенков А.

Путь в неизведанное: Развитие исследовательских способностей школьников

Методический материал, предназначенный для развития исследовательских способностей школьников, «требующих от психолога специального внимания и знаний, и программа, в которой отражено учебно-тематическое планирование занятий в 5-9 классах». Пособие...

Beverly L. Kirkpatrick

AutoCAD 2005 for Interior Design and Space Planning Using AutoCAD(R) 2005

Book Description This easy-to-understand manual teaches users how to make architectural drawings using a computer and the AutoCAD 2005 program. It employs the prompt-response format in beginning exercises of all chapters to teach commands in...

David Gemmell

White Wolf: A Novel of Druss the Legend

This new heroic fantasy in Gemmell's engrossing Drenai series takes place immediately before his first published novel, Legend (1984), but stands well on its own. Skilgannon, swordmaster and former general of Queen Jianna's army, walked away from...

Rachel Sorenson

The Dungeon Crew

Book Description Offspring of human women and fallen angels, the Nephilim are a mighty and dark force to be reckoned with. Their blackened hearts, awesome strength and depraved ways were of the greatest factors for the Biblical flood. Powerful,...

H. Rider Haggard

Morning Star

Book DescriptionHaggard's classic Egyptian novel, filled with magic, wandering Kas (or spirit-doubles), old gods, romance, and adventure -- as only Haggard could write it! Features an introduction by Lin Carter.Download DescriptionHaggard's classic...

Leiyu Shi

Essentials of the U.S. Health Care System

Book DescriptionWritten by the authors of the widely used textbook Delivering Health Care in America: A Systems Approach, this engaging new book gives students the most accessible and concise introduction to U.S. health care available. Essentials of...

Marc Brown

D.W.'s Guide to Preschool (Arthur Adventures (Hardcover))

Book Description.W., Arthur's fun and sassy little sister, is here to help every new preschooler get through the first day. From naps to snacks to playtime, D.W. covers it all in this helpful and hilarious guidebook to a very important rite of...

<<<  Хорхе Луис Борхес. Хорхе Луис Борхес. Сочинения ...             Брюсов Валерий Яковлевич. Огненный ангел >>>

Richard Imperiale, Richard Imperiale. J K Lasser Pro Real Estate Bartle Bull. China Star Валентин Пикуль. Баязет Г. Э. Авшарян. Техника слепой печати Дело Сухово-Кобылина. Роковую роль в судьбе выдающегося Все о Линукс VARIOUS ARTISTS. GUITAR ANTHEMS (18 HEADBANGIN' HITS Робин Голди. Эстония. Путеводитель Игры Каталог софта Сьюзен Джонсон. Снова и снова А. Бушков. Владимир Путин. Полковник, ставший капитаном Мегафон Шейх Юсуф Кардави. Дозволенное и запретное в Исламе Франц Штарк. Волшебный мир немецкого языка Мегафон Федор Раззаков. Досье на звезд: правда, домыслы, SIDEWINDER. RESOLUTION. Исполнитель: SIDEWINDER Альбом: RESOLUTION Производитель: Рамблер Lynn Kurland. Stardust of Yesterday
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