Роджер Желязны

Остров мертвых

В этот том собрания сочинений знаменитого американского писателя Роджера Желязны (1937-1995) вошли его остросюжетные научно-фантастические произведения....

Эмиль Ажар


Первый из романов, подписанных "Эмиль Ажар", притягивает своей необычностью. Искренняя, отмеченная взаимностью дружба с удавом как гражданская позиция - таков удел, сознательно избранный героем книги Кузеном. Но, как выясняется, современное общество...

Richard Cornes, Todd Sandler

The Theory of Externalities, Public Goods, and Club Goods

This book presents a theoretical treatment of externalities (i.e. uncompensated interdependencies), public goods, and club goods. The new edition updates and expands the discussion of externalities and their implications, coverage of asymmetric...

Kim Masters

Keys to the Kingdom : The Rise of Michael Eisner and the Fall of Everybody Else

Like one of the movie moguls of old, Michael Eisner is a titan -- feared, powerful, and almost magically successful. After rising through ABC television and Paramount Pictures, he awoke the sleeping giant of Disney and sent it stomping across the...

Carol Grace Anderson

Get Fired Up Without Burning Out

More than ever...we need to get and stay fired up! This book is full of solutions for a fired-up attitude, real balance, dealing with change, and the top-ten secrets to a fired-up life!...

Tom Zaniello

Working Stiffs, Union Maids, Reds, and Riffraff: An Expanded Guide to Films About Labor

The revised and expanded edition of Working Stiffs, Union Maids, Reds, and Riffraff offers 350 titles compared to the original edition?s 150. The new book is global in scope, with examples of labor films from around the world. Viewers can turn...

J. Stanley Metcalfe, J. S. Metcalfe

Evolutionary Economics and Creative Destruction (Graz Schumpeter Lectures, 1)

The central theme of this book is competition treated as an evolutionary process in which the focus is upon economic change and not economic equilibrium. This theme is explored by linking together differences in economic behaviour with the role of...

Michael Farr

Career Guide to America's Top Industries (Career Guide to Americas Top Industries, 2004)

* Attention job seekers: Choice of industry is as important as choice of occupation! * Substantial reviews that include details on job opportunities, training and education needed, earnings, advancement, benefits, projected growth, working...

Charles W. L. Hill

International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace : Postscript 2002

Market-defining since it was first introduced, International Business, 4e by Charles W. L. Hill, continues to set the standard for international business textbooks. Charles Hill’s reputation as a leading thinker and actor in the international...

Y. Y. Kueh, C. H. Chai, Kang Fan

Industrial Reform and Macroeconomic Instability in China (Studies on Contemporary China)

This study focuses specifically on the giant state-owned enterprises to unravel the intriguing dynamics between industrial deregulation and inflation....

Grahame Lynch

Bandwidth Bubble Bust: The Rise and Fall of the Global Telecom Industry

Telecommunications was the star industry in the world economy until 2000. But the collapse of NASDAQ wiped hundreds of billions of dollars in value from telecom stocks, heralding a wave of lay-offs and bankruptcies. In this essential book, Grahame...

<<<  Михаил Никольский. "Томкэт" F-14. Палубный истребитель             Брюсов Валерий Яковлевич. Огненный ангел >>>

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Балаково, Жуковский, Глазов, Кемерово, Армавир, Нальчик, ВеликийНовгород, Челябинск, Ставрополь, Томск, Новороссийск, Электросталь, Нальчик, Новокузнецк, Красноярск, Томск,
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