Herman Hattaway

Jefferson Davis, Confederate President

Book DescriptionHe was one of the most embattled heads of state in American history. Charged with building a new nation while waging a war for its very independence, he accepted his responsibilities reluctantly but carried them out with a fierce...

Javier Marias

Tu Rostro Manana / 2 Baile y Sueno

Book Description"I wish nobody ever requested anything from me, no advice, no favors, or suggestions". Thus begins Baile y sueno, the second volume of Marias' Tu rostro manana, and most likely the pinnacle of his works. Here we...

A. J. Liebling

Just Enough Liebling : Classic Work by the Legendary New Yorker Writer

Book Description Abbott Joseph Liebling was one of the greatest of all New Yorker writers, a colorful figure who helped set the magazine's urbane tone and style. Just Enough Liebling gathers in one volume the vividest and most...

Kara McMahon

Big Bird's Big Birdbath

Book DescriptionBig Bird wants to take a bath—but he’s w-a-a-a-y too big to fit into the birdbath that the smaller birds use. Where can he find a place to splish-splash and enjoy his bath?...

Robert K. Massie

Castles of Steel : Britain, Germany, and the Winning of the Great War at Sea

Book DescriptionIn a work of extraordinary narrative power, filled with brilliant personalities and vivid scenes of dramatic action, Robert K. Massie, the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of Peter the Great, Nicholas and Alexandra, and...

Elizabeth Gmeyner

The Key Of The Kingdom: A Book of Stories and Poems for Children

Book DescriptionThis is a classic, much-loved collection of stories, legends, fairy tales, fables, and poems for young children from seven to nine. The authors range from Shakespeare, and Robert Herrick through Blake, Keats, Tennyson, Walter de la...

Roberto Patarca-Montero

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Genes, and Infection: The Eta-1/Op Paradigm

Book DescriptionExamine the role the Eta-1/Op gene may play in uncovering the cause of CFS! Current research indicates that chronic fatigue syndrome may have an infectious etiology and that genetic factors might determine a body's ability to...

Edgar Rice Burroughs

Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar

Book DescriptionThe fifth exciting adventure in the stories of Tarzan. In the forgotten city of Opar, stood the altars where the ancient city offered blood sacrifices for the Flaming God.Also there were vaults piled high with the gold destined...

Famous Paintings As Seen And Described By Famous Writers

Book Description1902. With Numerous Illustrations. Essays written by such authors as F.A. Gruyer, John Ruskin, Cosmo Monkhouse, Carl Justi, F. G. Stephens, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Theopile Gautier and J. Buisson on works by Raphael, Crivelli, Van Eyck,...

Lee Anne White

Pool Idea Book : Decking # Patios # In and Above Ground # Spas #Lighting # Landscaping # Cabanas # Privacy (Idea Books)

Swimming pools aren't what they used to be. No longer just rectangular blue holes surrounded by concrete aprons, today's pools come in myriad shapes and sizes - from square wading pools, long lap pools, round spas, and teardrop-shaped jetpools to...

Памяти Карла Маркса. Сборник статей к пятидесятилетию со дня смерти. 1883 - 1933

Москва, 1933. Издательство Академии наук СССР. Издательский переплет. Сохранность хорошая. Сборник в основном состоит из докладов, читанных на торжественных заседаниях, посвященных памяти К.Маркса и организованных Академией наук. Сюда...

<<<  Муни Витчер. Нина. Девочка Шестой Луны. Книга 1             Брюсов Валерий Яковлевич. Огненный ангел >>>

Darlene Russ-Eft, Hallie Preskill. Evaluation in А. С. Пушкин. А. С. Пушкин. Духовная поэзия Знакомства Т. С. Тихомирова. Курс польского языка Лучшие европейские салаты. Салаты любят все. И М. Езерский. Власть и народ. В трех томах. Том 1 Эдвард Вилга. Йога для менеджеров (на спирали) Marilyn Helmer. Three Tuneful Tales: The Bremen Town Musicians, the Pied Piper Яхо Константин Цивилев. Лежебокой быть прикольно... В. Ф. Перфилов, Р. Н. Скогорева, Н. В. Усова. Энди Капонигро. Чудо дыхания
Невинномысск, Калининград, Октябрьский, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Таганрог,
Цирк. Цирковое искусство| История бизнеса. Мемуары и биографии бизнесменов| Авантюрные приключения| Автоматика. Радиоэлектроника. Связь| Путешествия. Туризм| Всемирная история| Математика| Популярная и нетрадиционная медицина| Стратегии (Strategy)| Семейные комедии| Кадровый менеджмент. Планирование, подбор и развитие персонала| Театр. Сценическое искусство| Социология в бизнесе. Социальная сфера.Соционика| Педагогика| Социология в бизнесе. Социальная сфера.Соционика| Хирургия| Археология| Физико-математические науки| Детективы. Боевики. Триллеры| Фильмы об убийцах| Кодексы, законы и комментарии| Драмы| Отраслевой и специальный бухучет| Фондовый рынок| Персоналия| Информационное право| Трудовое право| Железнодорожный транспорт| Реклама, PR, брендинг, имиджелогия|
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