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Reaping the Benefits of Mergers and Acquisitions, In Search of the Golden Fleece
Will the early years of the new century continue to witness the huge growth in merger and acquisition activity which marked the end of the last? The chances are that they will - witness the value of deals carried out by the top five investment banks...
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Jean C. Oi Rural China Takes Off: The Institutional Foundations of Economic Reform
In this incisive analysis of one of the most spectacular economic breakthroughs in the Deng era, Jean C. Oi shows how and why Chinese rural-based industry has become the fastest growing economic sector not just in China but in the world. Oi...
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Wiktor L. Adamowicz, P. Boxall, M. K. Luckert, W. E. Phillips, W. A. White Forestry, Economics and the Environment
Global interest in forest conservation, biodiversity preservation, and non-timber values has risen while pressures on the forest as a source of income and employment have also increased. These demands are often conflicting, making forest planning,...
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Janet Bamford Street Wise: A Guide for Teen Investors
Move over rock 'n roll-- teens are playing the markets as never before! Teen investors have powerful advantages over the rest of us. Many are whizzes at financial research on the Internet. They're quick to master discount stock trading online....
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Marketing Book, Fifth Edition
This fifth edition of the best-selling Marketing Book has been extensively updated to reflect changes and trends in current marketing thinking and practice. Taking into account the emergence of new subjects and new authorities,...
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CIM Coursebook 02/03 Customer Communications in Marketing
Butterworth-Heinemann's 2002-2003 CIM Coursebook series offers you the complete package for exam success. Comprising the fully updated coursebook texts and free online access to the MarketingOnline learning interface, it offers everything you need...
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Thomas Ray Crowel, Patricia Ann Gillham Dirty Little Tricks : How Salespeople Are Robbing You Blind!
"Every 30 seconds someone is being cheated out of their money! Don't become part of the 30 second rip-off!" With over 40 years in the field, Tom Crowel knows all the dirty little tricks salespeople use to rob you blind, and he's ready to blow...
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Robert H. Stauffer Kahana: How the Land Was Lost
This volume is the most detailed case study of land tenure in Hawai'i. Focusing on kuleana (homestead land) in Kahana, O'ahu, from 1846 to 1920, the author challenges commonly held views concerning the Great Mahele (Division) of 1846-1855 and...
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Stephen Rimar The Yale Management Guide for Physicians
A real-world education for the twenty-first-century physician Being a good doctor is no longer enough. The twenty-first-century physician who wants to deliver quality medical care to patients and operate a successful practice must develop...
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Microsoft Corporation Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Class Library Reference Volumes 1-4: System
Four-volume set details the .NET Framework Class Library System namespace, featuring classes that define commonly used value and reference data types, events and event handlers, interfaces, attributes, processing exceptions, and other services....
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Jan Ozer Microsoft Windows Movie Maker 2 : Visual QuickStart Guide (VISUAL QUICKSTART GUIDES)
Just because you have the built-in software to transform your homemade videos into compelling, creative content doesn't necessarily mean you have the know-how to do so. For that you need this no-nonsense task-based guide. In these pages video...
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Домой Сумка "PlayBoy", терракотовая. Небольшая сумочка превосходного
Каталог софта
Л. Толстой. Три медведя
Каталог софта
Course Technology, Course Technology. Course ILT: Lotus Notes
Последние бои на Дальнем Востоке. Настоящая, 24-я, книга подсерии
Поиск работы
Наследие Белинского. Москва, 1952 год, издательство "Советский писатель". Издательский
Жюль Верн. Двадцать тысяч лье под водой. Робур-Завоеватель
Михаил Март. Змеиная яма
Фотокамера Samsung S830 продолжает линейку фотокамер серии STANDARD,
Ольга Зондберг. Зимняя кампания нулевого года
Стефан Цвейг. Письмо незнакомки (аудиокнига MP3)
Larry R. Vandervert, Larisa V. Shavinina, Richard A. Cornell.
ВеликийНовгород, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Мытищи, Казань,
Фантастические боевики| Криминальные триллеры| Французский| Фильмы и видеопрограммы в 3D| Двадцатый век| Музыка к фильмам, спектаклям| Криминалистика| Железнодорожный транспорт| Звук и музыка| История. Археология. Этнография| Логика (Logic)| Охрана и безопасность труда. Трудовые ресурсы| Релаксация и медитация| Кулинария. Напитки| История Древней Руси. Средневековье| Экранизации детской литературы| Спорт| Словари-справочники| Оригами (Бумага для поделок)| История средних веков. Эпоха Возрождения| Иностранные языки| Фантастические сериалы| Маркетинг. Общие вопросы| Фильмы о ворах и мошенниках| Основы безопасности жизнедеятельности (ОБЖ)| Видеоигры и консоли| Художественная литература| Сметы и расценки в строительстве| Актеры.| История Древней Руси. Средневековье| Биографии писателей| Раскраски| История| Атласы и контурные карты по географии| Киноарт, фестивали и награды| Социология в бизнесе. Социальная сфера.Соционика| Видеопрограммы о животных| Музыкальные инструменты| Искусство и культура| Фантастические комедии| Мюзиклы| Фотоискусство. Художественная фотография| Джаз. Блюз. Соул. Фанк.| Телевизионные комедии| Организация торговли. Продажи| Электросвязь, электроакустика, радиосвязь|
учебная литература, детская литература, |