Г. Остер

Котенок по имени Гав

Если ты забыл, как тебя зовут, надо у кого-нибудь спросить. Главное - не ошибиться, кого спрашивать. Только тот, кто по-настоящему любит, сумеет ответить на этот вопрос. Но если котенка зовут Гав - неприятностей не избежать....

Christopher Pollitt, Xavier Girre, Jeremy Lonsdale, Robert Mul, Hilkka Summa, Marit Waerness

Performance or Compliance?: Performance Audit and Public Management in Five Countries

Performance audit is now in fashion, but in the past it has been a somewhat closed world, little studied by outsiders. Now an international team of researchers has studied the work of five national audit offices -- France, Finland, The Netherlands,...

Tobie S. Stein

Workforce Transitions from the Profit to the Nonprofit Sector (Nonprofit and Civil Society Studies)

Book Series: NONPROFIT AND CIVIL SOCIETY STUDIES An International Multidisciplinary Series Over the last 20 years, the number of professional managers displaced from US corporate jobs has increased dramatically. This has coincided with...

John, Ph.D. Stephenson, Ph.D, Editor John S. Stephenson

Intentional Change

Personal and professional coaching, a new and innovative field, is depicted in this collection of chapters written by leading coaches. The result is a panoramic overview of the profession of coaching, and the ways in which coaches work with...

Ferdinando Targetti

Nicholas Kaldor: The Economics and Politics of Capitalism As a Dynamic System

This is an intellectual biography of Nicholas Kaldor, one of this century's most innovative and influential economists. It constitutes a valuable contribution to the history of economic thought and to the post-Keynesian school of economics....

Robert E. Willett

Natural Gas & Electric Industries Analysis (2002) (Natural Gas and Electric Power Industries Analysis)

"Natural Gas and Electric Power Industries Analysis (2002" is a new series that is a broadening of the award-winning "Natural Gas Industry Analysis" series. All private analyses in "Natural Gas and Electric Power Industries Analysis (2002)" are...

Patricia Hogue Werhane

Moral Imagination and Management Decision-Making (Ruffin Series in Business Ethics)

Why do reputable companies do unethical things? This question continues to challenge scholars and corporate leaders alike. Werhane argues that most managers are not without morals, nor are they merely greedy or even motivated primarily by...

Jacques Cory

Activist Business Ethics

Jacques Cory's second book Activist Business Ethics expands upon the theoretical concepts developed in his first book Business Ethics: The Ethical Revolution of Minority Shareholders published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in March 2001. Activist...

Thomas Fields

Planning Life's Projects: A Scientist's Approach

This is a book about actions. It explores many practical aspects of the idea that each of us is defined as a person by our deeds, not by our words. Its goal is to describe, in a simple way, how each of us can plan our own actions, within larger...

Tim Saben

Practical Business Communication

no description...

Blythe Camenson

Careers for Born Leaders & Other Decisive Types

Careers For. . . * VARIETY OF CAREERS SHOWN. From the obvious to the obscure, readers will be able to explore careers that match their interests. * CAREER PROFILES. Includes complete job descriptions and salary ranges. * PROFESSIONAL INTERVIEWS....

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Рейтинг Sanyo CLT-D140 сочетает в себе уже полюбившиеся Московский Художественный театр. Летом 1897 года произошло событие, Алиса в стране чудес. Всем знакомо имя замечательного сказочника Уолта Рейтинг Н. В. Гоголь. Мертвые души (аудиокнига MP3) Агент майл.ру Гегемония. Наследие Солонов. Платформа: WIN пластиковый Ливе CSO SOLTI. BRCK:7. Исполнитель: CSO SOLTI Альбом: BRCK:7 Производитель: Работа Почта.ру Margaret M. Blair, Thomas A. Kochan, Margerate Blair. The New Relationship: Биби и его друзья. Развивающая игра-паззл, Гэррет Шелдон. Политическая философия Томаса Джефферсона В. Н. Митин. Доврачебная помощь мелким домашним животным Dennis L. McNamara. Trade and Transformation in Korea,
Волжский, Смоленск, Первоуральск, Нижний Тагил, Курск, Санкт-Петербург, Щёлково, Химки, СергиевПосад, Чита, Новотроицк, Таганрог, Курск, Волжский, Пенза, Новороссийск, Уфа, Волжский, Ульяновск, Калининград, Томск, Самара, Волжский, Одинцово, Липецк,
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