Жиль Кепель

Джихад. Экспансия и закат исламизма

Последняя четверть 20-го столетия отмечена неожиданным для многих экспертов выходом на политическую арену радикальных движений, пытавшихся, черпая вдохновение в Коране и Сунне Пророка Мухаммада, создать в мусульманских странах "подлинно исламское"...

И. А. Цатурова, С. Р. Балуян

Тестирование устной коммуникации

Пособие содержит научно обоснованные, личностно-ориентированные методические рекомендации по управлению качеством лингвистической подготовки с помощью тестирования навыков и умений устной коммуникации. В работе имеются сведения из истории...

Stewart Levine

The Book of Agreement: 10 Essential Elements for Getting the Results You Want

For most people, negotiating an agreement feels adversarial. It is a process one tries to win. It is not viewed as a process that expresses a clear joint vision or a path to desired results. We have been conditioned to function in a "me vs. them"...

Rongxing Guo

How the Chinese Economy Works : A Multiregional Overview (Studies on the Chinese Economy)

An authoritative analysis of the result of China's economic transformation, this book explores regional comparisons and differences within China. The author analyzes the uneven distribution of natural and human resources and probes into the...

David Shepherd

Your Business Or Your Life: 8 Steps For Getting All You Want Out Of BOTH

Unique among books for small business owners and entrepreneurs, David Shepherd's "8 Steps" link immediate increases in cash flow, to the attainment of personal lifetime goals. The book offers eight specific steps, straight out of the nation's top...

Terri Lonier

Working Solo: The Real Guide to Freedom & Financial Success with Your Own Business, 2nd Edition

"This book does for self-employment what What Color Is Your Parachute? does for job hunters. Highly recommended." —Larry Steward, Director, Entrepreneurial Resource Network. Have you dreamed of the freedom and financial success of...

Reinhold August Dorwat

The Prussian Welfare State Before 1740

The time and the place change. But the conflict between individual welfare and the common good continues. The term “welfare state” usually reserved for the social-service state of the twentieth century, can, in fact, be usefully applied...

Dr. Elaine Tatham, Chris Tatham, Dr. Jane Mobley

Customer Attitudes, Behavior, and the Impact of Communication Efforts

The research for this project took place over 20 months from 2000 to 2001 and involved 45 different focus groups, plus surveys from over 5000 customers. This guidebook provides insights into the factors that influence residential customers...

Ralph David Simpson, Norman L., Jr Christensen, R. David Simpson

Ecosystem Function & Human Activities: Reconciling Economics and Ecology

This innovative book examines a problem of growing concern and importance: obtaining accurate estimates of the ecological costs of human activities. The book covers a wide range of subjects, from the management and function of ecosystems to...

BRA Staff

The UK Market for Kitchen Furniture

This report provides a collection of statistical data and forecasts on the kitchen furniture industry in Britain. It contains information on the value of manufacturers' deliveries for all sectors of this market. The report also covers distribution...

Dennis Campbell

Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business 2002 (Comparative Law Yearabook of International Business)

The Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business offers a special relevance in its twenty-fourth volume, providing a special section on the telecommunications sector. That section includes chapters on legal developments in the...

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А. И. Солженицын. В круге первом Конференция iXBT.com М. М. Безруких. Прописи для первоклассников Нигма Л. А. Чибиров. Традиционная духовная культура осетин Robert L. Heneman. Merit Pay: Linking Pay to Виктор Ченцов. Вся правда о сколиозе Газета.ру Юрий Клименченко. Жизнь и приключения Лонг Алека
Невинномысск, Армавир,
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