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Алексей Корзухин Сказка о художнике и гноме Антошке. Алексей Корзухин
Книга предназначена для чтения взрослыми детям. ...
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Андре Боннар Греческая цивилизация. В двух томах. Том 1
Книга известного швейцарского ученого А.Боннара - уникальное по глубине и яркости исследование истории греческой цивилизации. Переведенная на многие европейские языки, она дает ниболее полную, художественно и философски осмысленную картину...
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Richard R. Nelson, Bhaven N. Sampat, Arvids A. Ziedonis, David C. Mowery Ivory Tower and Industrial Innovation: University-Industry Technology Transfer Before and After the Bayh-Dole Act in the United States (Innovation and Technology in the World Economy)
Since the early 1980s, universities in the United States have greatly expanded their patenting and licensing activities. The Congressional Joint Economic Committee, among other authorities, argued that the increase in university patenting and...
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Lynn M. Kwiatkowski Struggling With Development: The Politics of Hunger and Gender in the Philippines
Struggling with Development is a study of the complex relationships among international development, hunger, and gender in the context of political violence in the Philippines. This ethnography demonstrates that gender-specific international...
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Vladimir Mau Russian Economic Reforms as seen by an Insider
Russia's struggle to build a market economy on the ruins of central planning has been strongly criticized by Western observers. A paper by the World Bank's chief economist, Joseph Stiglitz, entitled "Whither Reform?" contains a set of 'accusations'...
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Judee Regan Meaningful Work... the Entrepreneurial Way: Your Integrated Guide to Career and Personal Life Management
Meaningful Work the Entrepreneurial Way your integrated guide to career and personal life management a guide to encourage and empower people to become leaders on their own behalf. Taking responsibility for joy, meaning and balance in...
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Steven King Poverty and Welfare in England, 1700-1850: A Regional Perspective (Manchester Studies in Modern History)
As the Blair government launches a new campaign against poverty, the notion of “the deserving and undeserving poor” raises it head again in the media. The Poor Law, particularly the Old/New Poor Law at the junction of the 18th and...
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Rod Nichols Successful Network Marketing for the 21st Century (PSI Successful Business Library)
Today's hottest trend in sales and distribution is network marketing, with an estimated 1,000 companies currently using its methods to reach consumers. Comprehensive, detailed and honest, Successful Network Marketing for the 21st Century is an...
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Phyllis Davis Photoshop CS Timesaving Techniques For Dummies
* Veteran author Phyllis Davis provides readers with a comprehensive overview of Photoshop, the industry standard software package for image creation, correction, and enhancement * Breaks topics into easily-understood, hands-on, insider...
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Barbara Mulligan, Jerome Holder Adobe Illustrator Idea Kit
If you're ready to be inspired, you couldn't pick a better teacher than the team behind many of the design elements in the latest version of Illustrator. Using the templates that ship with the program as a starting point, this beautiful, full-color...
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Joe Habraken 10 Minute Guide to Microsoft Office XP
Because most people don't have the luxury of sitting down uninterrupted for hours at a time to learn Office XP, this 10-Minute Guide focuses on the most often used features, covering them in lessons designed to take 10 minutes or less to...
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Домой Почта.ру
Ю. Ладова. Лабиринты здоровья
Игрушка заводная "Мишка-лыжник". Дерево, пластмасса.
Robert A. Wilson, Frank Keil. The MIT Encyclopedia
Почта Яхо
М. С. Рамзаев. Internet для начинающих. Краткие инструкции
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