Ian Skeet

Oman: Politics and Development

This book examines the rise of the country of Oman....

W. Stanley Jevons

Money and the Mechanism of Exchange

William Stanley Jevons (1835-1882) was Fellow of the Royal Society and Professor of Political Economy at University College London (UCL). His fertile academic writings include books on many fields like logic, the method of science, social...

Anna M. Agathangelou

The Global Political Economy of Sex: Desire, Violence, and Insecurity in Mediterranean Nation States

This book examines the movement of domestic and sex workers to Cyprus, Greece, and Turkey and demonstrates that gender, race (ethnicity), and nationality are crucial elements in the constitution of the desire economies which are informed by the...

Harold James, Hekan Lindgren, Alice Teichova

The Role of Banks in the Interwar Economy

Although international finance and banking has been the subject of research and writing, the economic impact of banks on industrial structures and the relations between banking and industry in the twentieth century have remained relatively...

Adam Starchild

Using Offshore Havens for Privacy & Profit: Revised and Updated Edition

Why invest abroad? Today, growing numbers of investors are convinced that the U.S. is no longer the land of safety or opportunity when it comes to investments. They recommend that you research the country to which you entrust your holdings as...

Jill Lenk Schilp, Roy E. Gilbreath, Jill Schilp, Roy Gilbreath

Health Data Quest : How to Find and Use Data for Performance Improvement

Improve clinical performance and demonstrate value to health care purchasers and insurers by becoming a "data detective" within your organization. Health Data Quest is the practical guide to the most current and promising emerging measurement...

Susan Bethanis

Leadership Chronicles of a Corporate Sage : Five Keys to Becoming a More Effective Leader

A recent study by MetrixGlobal LLC discovered that executive coaching produced a 529 percent return on investment and significant intangible benefits to the business. Executive coaching is the secret behind many corporations' success...

Bob Pike, Lynn Solem

50 Creative Training Closers : Innovative Ways to End Your Training with IMPACT!

Go out with a BANG! They'll forget you as soon as you walk out the door . . . unless you make your training memorable. This essential resource is your way to make your mark. Fifty ways to close your training sessions and presentations...

David Holdford

Marketing for Pharmacists

Provides a practical guide on marketing pharmaceutical services. This comprehensive resource equips pharmacists and pharmacy students with the basic principles of marketing, while building an understanding of the need for marketing pharmaceutical...

M. Fogiel, Research and Education Association

High School Earth Science Tutor (High School Tutors)

Starting with introductory earth science, this book includes topography, the lithosphere, the history of the Earth, geology, natural resources, meteorology, the hydrosphere, and astronomy. A perfect study aid for any earth science textbook....

Jerry D. Gibson, Toby Berger

Digital Compression for Multimedia : Principles & Standards (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Multimedia Information and Systems)

Drawing on their experience in industry, research, and academia, this powerful author team combines their expertise to provide an accessible guide to data compression standards and techniques and their applications. The essential ideas and...

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сост. Липей Т.А., Бондарь И.Г. Секреты микроволновой кулинарии МСН Российская газета В. А. Ерофеева, Г. В. Клушанцева, В. Б. Кемтер, С. А. Принцева. Бухгалтерский Элен Каррер д' Анкосс. Ленин Золотая коллекция мультиков. Выпуск 12. 01. Малютка Ястребок 02. Инки И Ричард Дженкинс. Вестминстерское аббатство Гогле Basic Course / Базовый курс. Пособие является составной частью учебно-методического Гороскопы Игры Газета.ру Гогле Peter Marshall. Two Jobs, No Life: Learning to Balance Work Б. М. Бирюков. Сделки с автомобилями Фридрих Незнанский. По живому следу Мой мир А. В. Вавулина, Л. П. Клобукова, О. И. Судиловская, В. Л. Мягкая мозаика "Животные из сказки". Мозаики Каталог софта
Омск, Новокуйбышевск, Новотроицк, Октябрьский, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Пятигорск, Элиста, Томск, Прокопьевск, Чебоксары, Прокопьевск, Миасс, Артём, Улан-Удэ, СергиевПосад,
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