Шарлотта Хепти

Отто и летающие близнецы. Повесть о Кармидийцах

Все началось со странного звука, донесшегося из барабана сушильной машины в прачечной "Огнебочка"... Кармидийцы, волшебный народ - колдуны, ведьмицы, рисовальщики, пилоты ковров-самолетов, оборотни, множественники, таинственные сумеречники,...

Joel Slemrod, Jon M. Bakija

Taxing Ourselves - 2nd Edition: A Citizen's Guide to the Great Debate over Tax Reform

A majority of Americans are dissatisfied with the current income tax system. They complain that taxes are too high, complicated, difficult, unfair, and sometimes intrusive to enforce. Yet how should the system be fixed? In Taxing Ourselves ,...

Bruce Abell

Re-Imagine Your Business for Breakthrough Results: Discover Unexpected New Opportunities by Understanding Who You Are, How You Got Where You Are, Where You Can Go

Business successes and failures can almost always be traced to the quality of their fundamental ideas and how they are used in the company. Ideas are always fresh when a business starts, but when they become stale, when they fail to reflect the...

Shirley A. White

The Art of Facilitating Participation: Releasing the Power of Grassroots Communication

How can facilitators be used to enable people's participation in development processes and projects? This book presents the experiences of facilitators from a variety of settings. It combines their conceptual thinking with practical `how-to' hints...

Steve M. Nickles

Modern Commercial Paper: The New Law of Negotiable Instruments (American Casebooks (Hardcover))

Tool for teaching Revised UCC Article 3 and 4 and related commercial paper. Coverage largely traditional (mostly negotiable instruments) but presentation is new. Every section is divided into three parts: A basic explanation of the law (the Story);...


101 Best Home-Based Businesses for Women, 3rd Edition : Everything You Need to Know About Getting Started on the Road to Success (101 Best Home-Based Busineses for Women)

Can I be a stay-at-home mom and still earn extra income? Which home business is best for me? Where can I find expert advice on launching my own business? How much will it cost to get started? For nearly two decades, bestselling author and...


What the Numbers Say: A Field Guide to Mastering Our Numerical World

Our society is churning out more numbers than ever before, whether in the form of spreadsheets, brokerage statements, survey results, or just the numbers on the sports pages. Unfortunately, people’s ability to understand and analyze numbers...

Stephen Pearce, Richard D. Bushnell

The Bar Code Implementation Guide: Using Bar Codes in Distribution

This is a practical guide that will expedite implementation of bar-code-related systems and equipment; a workbook that takes a simple, straightforward approach. The book is geared towards the implementation team, including executives who must...

Donald F. Kettl

The Global Public Management Revolution : A Report on the Transformation of Governance

Since the 1980s, a reform movement in public management has spread around the world. Many diverse nations-among them New Zealand, the United States, South Africa, and Canada -have taken up the reform agenda in a very short period of time, and it is...

Rand Morimoto

Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Unleashed

The most extensive Exchange 2003 reference found on the market today from one of the world's leading Microsoft server experts, Rand Morimoto. Written from the ground up exclusively for Exchange 2003--not a revision of an Exchange 2000 book. Based on...

Harry L. Phillips

New Perspectives on Microsoft Windows 2000 for Power Users

Part of the New Perspectives Series, this text is designed for students who want to get up and running quickly with Microsoft Windows 2000....

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Ответы О. А. Малыгина. Изучение математического анализа на основе системно-деятельностного James Ross Moore. Andre Charlot: The Genius of Intimate Musical Revue Umaturman. Live в городе "N". Концерт в МХАТе им. Горького: 01. Стрела 02. Ливе Работа Конференция iXBT.com РБК Настоящая блондинка. Дэрил Ханна ("Убить Билла"), Топ майл.ру Топ Педагогическая энциклопедия. В четырех томах. Том 3. Н-См. "Педагогическая В. Т. Чепиков. Педагогическая практика Погода Е. А. Евтушенко. Не умирай прежде смерти. Ягодные места Robert M. Young: Essays on the Films. Book DescriptionRobert Young began his Ray Hackney, Dennis Dunn. Business Information Technology Management:
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