Жан Эрбен

Видеомагнитофоны VHS PAL и SECAM. Ремонт, устройство и техническое обслуживание

Это издание представляет собой подробное описание видеомагнитофонов в части как механики, так и электроники с учетом последних изменений в технике. В первых главах рассмотрены структурные схемы видеомагнитофонов, соответствующих нормам PAL...

И. Вагин, А. Глущай

Научи себя смеяться. Смехотерапия по-русски

Какой бывает юмор? Когда мы смеемся? Мы смеемся тогда, когда смеются другие, и когда смеяться нужно, чтобы стать свободным от проблем. Смех - это песня свободы. Мы можем потерпеть поражение, но нас нельзя победить, пока мы смеемся. ...

Thomas O. McGarity

Reinventing Rationality: The Role of Regulatory Analysis in the Federal Bureaucracy

In this book, Professor McGarity reveals the complex and problematic relationship between the "regulatory reform" movements initiated in the early l970s and the United States' federal bureaucracy. Examining both the theory and application of...

Enrique Cardenas, Jose Antonio Ocampo, Rosemary Thorp, Enrique Crdenas

An Economic History of Twentieth-Century Latin America: Industrialization and the State in Latin America : The Postwar Years (St. Antony's Series (Palgrave (Firm)).)

In the 1990s, "protection," "import substitution," and "intervention" have become dirty words, part of the "leyenda negra" of Latin America development in the post-war period. This book attempts a fresh look at the controversial years between the...

John P. Weyant

Energy and Environmental Policy Modeling (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science)

The primary objective of Energy and Environmental Policy Modeling is to introduce a variety of recent energy--environmental modeling concepts, and to provide an overview of these modeling concepts. Another major objective of the book is the...

Larry Burkett

Los Negocios Y La Biblia

Una gua completa de principios bblicos para hombres y mujeres de nego-cios. ...

John A. Kline

Speaking Effectively: Achieving Excellence in Presentations (NetEffect Series)

Written by a professional speaker who has taught thousands of college students, corporate personnel, and military officers, this succinct book presents practical information on public speaking in an interesting, engaging, and practical way. It gets...

Betty Michelozzi

Coming Alive from Nine to Five: A Career Search Handbook

This is a practical guide to career planning and decision making that demysti?es the career search and presents it as an opportunity for personal growth. The book deals with every aspect of making a career choice and developing a strategy for...

Alan J. Auerbach, Martin Feldstein

Handbook of Public Economics Volume 2

Hardbound. This second volume of the Handbook of Public Economics is a continuation of volume one, with chapters surveying the literature on both the tax and expenditure areas of public economics. The material presents an up-to-date survey of the...

CE Conformity Marking : and New Approach Directives

CE Marking can be regarded as a product's trade passport for Europe. It is a mandatory European marking for certain product groups to indicate conformity with the essential health and safety requirements set out in the European Directive. ...

Bradly J. Condon

NAFTA, WTO and Global Business Strategy : How AIDS, Trade and Terrorism Affect Our Economic Future

Condon examines how NAFTA, WTO, and global business affect the major issues of our time, such as AIDS, global security, and illegal immigration. NAFTA and WTO interact in ways that can make or break a company's strategy. Business strategists must...

<<<  Энциклопедия домашнего консервирования. Консервированные ...             Robert Harris. POMPEYA (Best Seller) >>>

Maggie Humm. Snapshots of Bloomsbury: The Private Lives Транслит Князья Трубецкие. Россия воспрянет! Программы BSO KUBELIK. SMETANA:MA VLAST. Исполнитель: BSO KUBELIK Альбом: SMETANA:MA Е. Р. Алексеев, О. В. Чеснокова. MATLAB Мария Заламбани. Литература факта. От Ray Russell. An Introduction to Mutual Funds Worldwide Стивен Кинг. Колдун и кристалл Из рук в руки Валерий Иващенко. Механик ее величества PAVAROTTI. THE PAVARO. Исполнитель: PAVAROTTI Альбом: THE PAVARO Richard C., Ph.D Dorf. Millennium Stocks Лев Ошанин. Эх, дороги... Работа
Армавир, Москв, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Канск, Кисловодск, Санкт-Петербург, Волгоград, Владивосток, Мурманск, Энгельс, Белгород,
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