The Art of Investigative Interviewing

The Art of Investigative Interviewing, Second Edition , details the techniques that can be used by interviewers in any setting to detect indications of deception and respond to them appropriately. With all-new case studies and a new chapter...

John Eade

Living the Global City: Globalization As a Local Process

Politicians and academics alike have made globalization the key reference point for interpreting the 1990s. For many, globalization threatens both community and the nation-state. It appears to represent forces beyond human control. Living the Global...

Aspatore Books Staff,, Scott Opsal, Victoria Collins, Howard Weiss, Sanford B. Axelroth, Robert A. Studen, Gilda Borenstein, Josephine Jimenez, Robert G. Morris

Inside the Minds: Leading Wall Street Investors - Senior Investment Advisors from Merrill Lynch, Bank of America, Montgomery Asset Management & More on the Secrets to Successful Investments in a Down Economy

Inside the Minds: Leading Wall St. Investors features leading investment managers from some of the biggest financial companies in the world. These proven portfolio managers, market analysts and financial planners reveal the secrets to buying and...

Chuck Laughlin, Karen Sage, Marc Bockmon

Samurai Selling: The Ancient Art of Service in Sales

Samurai Selling is a unique guide for the modern salesperson. The code of the ancient Japanese samurai is grounded in service and personal character. Samurai Selling shows sales professionals how to apply the code of the...

Joe Habraken

10 Minute Guide to Microsoft PowerPoint 2002

Because most people don't have the luxury of sitting down uninterrupted for hours at a time to learn PowerPoint, this 10-Minute Guide focuses on the most often used features, covering them in lessons designed to take 10 minutes or less to...

Robert W. Powell, Richard L. Weeks

C# and the .Net Framework: The C++ Perspective

This book covers topics ranging from the general principles of .NET through the C# language and how its used in ASP.NET and Windows Forms. Written by programmers for programmers, the content of the book is intended to get readers over the hump...

Peter Y. K. Cheung, George A. Constantinides, Jose T. De Sousa

Field Programmable Logic and Applications: 13th Internatonal Conference, Fpl 2003, Lisbon, Portugal, September 1-3, 2003 : Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2778)

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications, FPL 2003, held in Lisbon, Portugal in September 2003. The 90 revised full papers and 56 revised poster papers presented...

Robert P. Davidson

Broadband Networking ABCs for Managers: ATM, BISDN, Cell/Frame Relay to SONET

Addresses fundamental business issues vital to engineering and marketing managers considering using or providing broadband networks to accommodate voice and data. Updates literature on both LAN and WAN and covers the business, technology drivers and...

Джанет Фрикер, Джон Батлер

Секреты гипнотерапии

Что такое гипноз? На всех ли людей он действует? Какие заболевания можно вылечить с его помощью? На эти и многие другие вопросы читатель найдет ответ в данной книге. Приводятся примеры из медицинской практики....

Эмиль Брагинский

Почти смешная история

"Учитель пения", "Суета сует", "Поездки на старом автомобиле" - лирические кинокомедии, веселые, добрые, ироничные, как их автор, рассказы, которые могли стать сценариями и фильмами, но в силу разных причин не стали ими, кинокадры, сцены из...

Борис Носик

Литературные и агентурные истории русского Парижа

На основе богатого исторического материала, а также и личных воспоминаний и впечатлений автор настоящей книги - Борис Носик - живо и увлекательно рассказывает о судьбах русских изгнанников в Париже: писателях, художниках, офицерах русской армии и...

<<<  Jerold Zimmerman. Accounting for Decision ...             Robert Harris. POMPEYA (Best Seller) >>>

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