Edward D. Zinbarg

Faith, Morals, and Money: What the World's Religions Tell Us About Money in the Marketplace

Most books on business ethics approach the subject philosophically. That approach, Zinbarg tells us, is that it neglects the most important source of most people's understanding of right and wrong: their religious tradition. While philosophy can...

Ethnic Economies

The phenomenon of increasingly visible groups of immigrant entrepreneurs raises a host of questions. What are the causes of immigrant entrepreneurship? What are its consequences, especially as regards upward mobility and inter-ethnic relations? And...

Understanding DC Circuits

Understanding DC Circuits covers the first half of a basic electronic circuits theory course, integrating theory and laboratory practice into a single text. Several key features in each unit make this an excellent teaching tool: objectives, key...

Oliver Y. M. Yau, Henry C. Steele

China Business

For foreign business to succeed in China, it needs to be better informed of the challenges that China is faced with today. China was a centrally planned economy with very little international ties only three decades ago. Thus, it has to catch up for...

Paul Stewart, Elsie Charron

Work and Employment Relations in the Automobile Industry

This book examines the form and character of the internationalization of employee relations in the automobile industry. It goes onto examine the impact of the new forms of regionalization and their impact on employment relations within firms. ...

Dian Davis Hymer, Dian Hymer

Starting Out: The Complete Home Buyer's Guide

We learn from our mistakes, but it's an expensive education when you're buying a house. Dian Hymer's home guide is a better bet, from the first "should we buy a house" glimmer to the closing. Written in a relaxed, organized manner, Hymer knows the...

Howard Anderson, Sharon Yull

BTEC Nationals - IT Practitioners : Core Units for Computing and IT

Full coverage of all 6 core units for the new BTEC National specifications from Edexcel BTEC Nationals - IT Practitioners is a new course text written specifically to cover the compulsory core units of the new BTEC Nationals specifications,...

Greg Holden, William R. Stanek

Faster Smarter Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 (FASTER SMARTER)

Now you can do the things you do every day with Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003?format Web pages, create hyperlinks, use style sheets?and ramp up on new and more advanced techniques?faster, smarter, better!...

Mark G. Sobell

Practical Guide to Red Hat Linux: Fedora Core and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (+ 4 CD-ROM)

Fedora Core and Red Hat Enterprise Linux are advanced operating systems. You need a book that's just as advanced. This book explains Linux clearly and effectively - with a focus on the features you care about, including system security, Internet...

Жан-Кристоф Гранже

Империя Волков

Анна Геймз - счастливая женщина. Она молода, очень хороша собой, богата. У Анны любящий муж, Лоран Геймз, высокопоставленный чиновник Министерства внутренних дел, изысканный круг общения, так почему же ее мучат по ночам кошмары? С чем связаны...

Справочник фельдшера. В схемах, таблицах, рисунках

Универсальный медицинский справочник содержит основные сведения, необходимые фельдшеру в современных условиях для диагностики и лечения заболеваний, оказания экстренной помощи. ...

<<<  Составитель Е. В. Менькова. Русский язык. 2 класс. 1 ...             Robert Harris. POMPEYA (Best Seller) >>>

INBAL. PUCC:MESSA DI GLO. Исполнитель: INBAL Альбом: Юрий Рост. Групповой портрет на фоне века РБК Вакансии Рейтинг Почта.ру Tom Ahern. How to Write Fundraising Materials That Raise More Поиск работы Сад демонов. Словарь инфернальной мифологии Средневековья Nalin K. Sharda. Multimedia Information Networking QIP.ру Steven M. Bragg. Accounting for Payroll : A Comprehensive Олард Диксон. Мистерии мухомора. Применение галюциногенного гриба в Владимир Гомельский. НБА Сергей Лукьяненко. Лабиринт отражений Christopher Behrens. Penis Pokey Весна. Любовь Орлова ("Встреча на Эльбе"), Николай Черкасов
Киров, Архангельск, Ноябрьск, Тюмень, Элиста, Новомосковск, Салават, Улан-Удэ, Благовещенск,
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