Быт пушкинского Петербурга. Часть 2. Л - Я

В книге широко представлен быт Петербурга пушкинской эпохи - как фон, как контекст биографии поэта. Она содержит статьи об особенностях жизненного уклада людей пушкинского круга, о занятиях и увлечениях петербуржцев, моде, винах, карточных играх,...

Гарриет Бичер Стоу

Хижина дяди Тома

Роман американской писательницы Гарриет Бичер-Стоу "Хижина дяди Тома" (1852), написанный в тот момент, когда борьба против рабства стала в центре общественного внимания, приобрел мировую известность. Он проникнут страстным негодованием против...

Donald R. Stabile

Forerunners Of Modern Financial Economics: A Random Walk In The History Of Economic Thought

Book DescriptionThe economists who began using statistics to analyze financial markets in the 1950s have been credited with revolutionizing the scholarship of investing and with inaugurating modern financial economics. By examining the work of...

Marc Silver

Exploring Interface Design (Design Exploration Series)

Book Description The user interface?the all-important point of contact between people and technology?is the key to unlocking the full potential of multimedia and the Internet. With a balanced blend of theory and practice, this timely new book...

Elaine Makas Howard

Career Pathways : Preparing Students for Life

Book Description " Howard and Ill have given educators a stunning encyclopedic handbook on career pathways. Loaded with helpful lists and charts, and written in a clear, conversational tone, Career Pathways is the new...

George Siedel

Real Estate Law (Real Estate Law)

Book Description REAL ESTATE LAW, SIXTH EDITION tells the ?story? of real estate from its basic spatial and conceptual form through all the most important private and public law transactions and processes that govern real estate in the United States...

Daniel Wood

Bears (Wildlife (Whitecap))

Book DescriptionBears combines the work of some of North America's leading wildlife photographers with the writing of Daniel Wood, a leading nature writer. This celebration of the bears of North America covers black bears, brown bears, and polar...

Noel Coward

Present Indicative : The Autobiography of Noel Coward, Vol. 1

Book Description First published in 1937, Present Indicative is the first part of the autobiography of one of the most celebrated characters in British theatrical history and hints at the success that would come to Coward as actor,...

Philippe Vergne

How Latitudes Become Forms: Art in the Global Age

Book DescriptionThe rise of globalism has created tremendous challenges to old economic, political, and cultural paradigms, changes that are increasingly reflected in diverse artistic practices across the planet. If disciplinary boundaries are now...

Los Mayas/The Maya: Palacios Y Piramides De La Selva Virgen

Book DescriptionThis well-illustrated Spanish-language book retraces the development and magnificent flowering of Mayan architecture in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and Belize over the period 300 B.C.-A.D. 1500, showing the extraordinary...

Ken Johnston

Picture Machine : The Rise of American Newspictures

Book DescriptionThe first retrospective devoted to the legacy of American news wire picture services, Picture Machine examines the rise of these organizations and the historical and cultural significance of the images they created. Using...

<<<  М. Ю. Лермонтов. Стихотворения. Мцыри. Демон. Песня ...             Robert Harris. POMPEYA (Best Seller) >>>

Футбол Michael J. Caduto. EARTH TALES FROM AROUND THE Яндекс Михаил Март. Змеиная яма Sequentia. Hildegard von Bingen: Saints (2 CD). Исполнитель: О компьютерах Агент майл.ру Paul Scanlon. Book of Alien Конференция iXBT.com Корбина МТС Яхо Жорж Батай, Колетт Пеньо (Лаура). Сакральное Материалы для биографии Н. И. Лобачевского. Москва-Ленинград, 1948 год. Издательство Адам. Логические головоломки, или Акробатика для мозгов Bernd H. Schmitt, Laura Brown. Build Your Own Garage: Blueprints and Tools
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