Кейт Лаумер

Триумф Боло

Два гиганта научной фантастики, Дэвид Вебер и Линда Эванс, обращаются в этой книге к истории Боло, громадных мыслящих танков, изменивших облик Галактики. Дэвид Вебер рассказывает о Боло - "рыцаре без страха и упрека", которого довели до...

Юрий Герман

Юрий Герман. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. Том 3

Издание 1976 года. Сохранность хорошая. В третий том собрания сочинений включен широко известный роман "Россия молодая", посвященный борьбе России за выход к Балтийскому морю в эпоху Петра I. Роман пронизан любовью к русскому народу, творцу...

Izzy Nelken

Handbook of Hybrid Instruments: Convertible Bonds, Preferred Shares, Lyons, Elks, Decs and Other Mandatory Convertible Notes (with CD-ROM)

An indispensable tool to steer readers thought the complex maze of hybrid instruments Hybrid instruments — essentially bonds with an equity component — are found in a multitude of guises. This generic heading encompasses a seemingly...

Ken Langdon, Alan Bonham, Ken Langdon

Smart Things to Know About, Business Finance

Solid financial management is at the heart of every successful business but even the smartest managers can find financial measurements difficult to understand. The world of accountants and the jargon of financial control can be baffling to the most...

Norman Kneisel

From the Indian Kickapoo Reservation to the Bright City Lights

This is one of the most unusual stories ever to be told about how to be successful in the business world. Travel all over the world first class. Having more fun than anyone should ever be allowed to have. Read about and enjoy the many adventures,...

Sidney M. Levy

Build, Operate, Transfer: Paving the Way for Tomorrow's Infrastructure

Using the Build, Operate, Transfer (BOT) system, private developers design, finance, construct, and operate revenue-producing public projects, and, at the end of the pay-back period, turn projects over to the community. This book explore this new...

George Demartino

Global Economy, Global Justice : Theoretical Objections and Policy Alternatives to Neoliberalism

This book rejects the claim of neoclassical economics that the global, market-based economy emerging today represents the highest possible stage of economic development. In place of global neoliberalism, the book calls for new policy regimes that...

Michael Clements, David F. Hendry

Forecasting Economic Time Series

David Hendry is one of the world's leading econometricians, and in this major new work he and Michael Clements provide an extended formal analysis of economic forecasting with econometric models: their analysis builds in many of the features of the...

Akira Goto, Hiroyuki Odagiri

Innovation in Japan (Japan Business & Economics)

In this age of high technology, Japan's success in continuous improvement and innovation in key industries, ranging from steel and automobiles to electronics, has been spectacular, and the unique institutional arrangements that have supported this...

William J. Bernstein

The Four Pillars of Investing : Lessons for Building a Winning Portfolio

Sound, sensible advice from a hero to frustrated investors everywhere William Bernstein's The Four Pillars of Investing gives investors the tools they need to construct top-returning portfolios­­without the help of a...

H G Lewis, Jaime Murphy

Cybertalk That Sells

"Pithy, commonsense, how-to-say-it advice and information for a medium that is drowning in a tar pit of boring verbosity. Read Lewis and Murphy--and act on it--and you've got a good shot at making a sale." -- Denny Hatch, Editor Target Marketing...

<<<  Т. В. Карамышева. Изучение иностранных языков с помощью ...             Robert Harris. POMPEYA (Best Seller) >>>

Adrenalin Антисон средство против сна за рулём. Hatebreed. The Rise of Brutality. Исполнитель: Hatebreed Альбом: Ты - лучшая часть моей жизни!... Магнит. Ты - лучшая часть Thomas F. DeFrantz. Dancing Revelations: Alvin Ailey's Embodiment Игры Е. Н. Миллер. Большой универсальный учебник немецкого языка для Почта.ру Инна Светлова. Развиваем логику Р. Л. Стайн. Самые страшные ужастики-6 Рамблер Marilyn L. Kourilsky, William Walstad. The E Generation Н. Н. Зарубина. Социология хозяйственной жизни Нигма В. В. Лобанов. Государственное управление и общественная политика К. И. Шарафадина. "Алфавит Флоры" в образном языке литературы пушкинской Мик Фаррен. Нейрокошмар Поиск работы А. И. Некрасов. Курс теоретической механики. О. Г. Мугин. Безопасность жизнедеятельности. Чрезвычайные ситуации Андрей Курпатов. 1 совершенно секретная таблетка
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