Майкл Фернелл, Филип Джонс

Как выжить за рубежом. Руководство для отъезжающих за рубеж. Справочник

В России много говорят о жизни за границей. Кто-то делится информацией, почерпнутой из иностранного кино, кто-то - личным опытом, приобретенным в туристической поездке, а кто-то - впечатлениями родственников или друзей, иммигрировавших в одну из...

Stephen A Zeff, Bala G Dharan

Readings And Notes On Financial Accounting: Issues and Controversies

This collection of notes and readings on Financial accounting is best used as a core text in the theory course or as a supplement to an Intermediate course or an Advanced accounting course. The goal of this book is to provide insight into concepts,...

Harold James

The Deutsche Bank and the Nazi Economic War Against the Jews: The Expropriation of Jewish-Owned Property

Deutsche Bank, Germany's largest financial institution, played an important role in the expropriation of Jewish-owned enterprises during the Nazi dictatorship, both in the existing territories of Germany, and in the areas seized by the German army...

Sharon Seivert

The Balancing Act: Mastering the Five Elements of Success in Life, Relationships, and Work

Highly effective strategies that help people and businesses succeed using the five elements of water, air, earth, fire, and ether. * The five elements represent emotion, mind, body, drive, and soul. * Presents case studies from Seivert's...

David H. Maister, Charles H. Green, Robert M. Galford

The Trusted Advisor

In today's fast-paced networked economy, professionals must work harder than ever to maintain and improve their business skills and knowledge. But technical mastery of your discipline is not enough; assert world-renowned professional advisors David...

John T. Stock

Ostwald's American Students

In the late 19th century and early 1900s, 400 American students went to Germany for advanced studies of chemistry with the celebrated physical chemist Wilhelm Ostwald. The students, with their Ph.D.s from the University of Leipzig, returned to...

Guide to Postproduction for TV and Film: Managing the Process, Second Edition

Are you an associate producer who needs to juggle projects and vendors while keeping on top of the latest trends and formats? Or an independent filmmaker who can't afford a misstep in the crucial postproduction phase? Take a step back and get a...

Ken Davis, John Lose, Lester Phipps

Fired! Your Proven Guide to Finding a Better Job, Faster, and Earning More Money Than Ever Before

FIRED! is a How To book: How To go about getting your new job; How To recognize the physical needs you'll see changing your life; How To recognize the psychological changes that will occur, and How To (where) find help when (if) depression or...

Robert O'Brien, Marc Williams

The Global Political Economy: Evolution and Dynamics

This new text on global political economy provides a uniquely ranging historical account of the emergence of a worldwide economy since the 15th century combined with a systematic analysis of international political economy today. The book is...


Mexico a Spy Guide

Strategic and practical information on government, national security, army, foreign and domestic politics, conflicts, relations with the US, international activity, economy, technology, mineral resources, culture, traditions, govt...

Torsten Persson, Guido Tabellini, Isabelle Brocas, Micael Castanheira, Ronny Razin, David Stromberg

Workbook to Accompany Political Economics

What determines the size and form of redistributive programs, the extent and type of public goods provision, the burden of taxation across alternative tax bases, the size of government deficits, and the stance of monetary policy during the course of...

<<<  В. А. Овчинников. Алгоритмизация комбинаторно-оптимизационных задач ...             Robert Harris. POMPEYA (Best Seller) >>>

Наталья Андреева. Грозы медового месяца Lance Taylor. Income Distribution, Inflation, and Growth: Lectures Icon Health Publications. Diverticulitis: A Medical Гого Светлана Клипп. "Use Your Brains". Шевели мозгами! Leo Tolstoy. War and Peace Русские чтения. Выпуск 1. "Русские чтения" - это Ответы Составитель В. А. Шубин. Распад СССР. Документы
Иркутск, Белгород, Коломна, Тобольск, Якутск, Стерлитамак, Нижневартовск, Нефтеюганск, Череповец, Новошахтинск, Самара, Новотроицк, Сургут, Новороссийск, Магнитогорск, Чита, Томск, Таганрог, Нефтеюганск, Волжский,
Кинематография России и СССР| Ценные бумаги. Инвестиции. Оценочная деятельность| Мелодрамы и драмы| Нормативно-производственные документы и разъяснения к ним| Скандалы. Сенсации. Катастрофы| История. Исторические науки| Исторические боевики| Автомобиль| Искусство| Молодежное кино| Аэробика| Природа| Детективы| Антивирусы других производителей| Естественные науки в целом| Общие вопросы права| Менеджмент| Шпионские боевики| Альбомы, анкеты, дневнички| Теоретическая физика| Комедии| Финансовое и банковское право| Сказки| Мультфильмы для взрослых| Химические науки| Видеопрограммы о космосе и НЛО| BBC. Видеопрограммы| Джаз| Экранизации современной прозы| Тесты, ПДД| Книжки-игрушки| Бухгалтерский учет на компьютере| Исторические приключения| Джаз. Блюз. Соул. Фанк.| Антивирусы других производителей| Современные профессии. Справочники для поступающих в ВУЗы| Драмы| Криминальные фильмы| Экранизации детской литературы| Подготовка к школе| Энциклопедии, справочники, словари|
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