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Ирина Гурская, Юрий Гурский, Андрей Жвалевский Эффективная работа: Трюки и эффекты в CorelDRAW 11 (+ CD-ROM)
Авторы бестселлера `Photoshop. Трюки и эффекты` продолжают серию книг, посвященных практическому использованию графических пакетов. Основное внимание уделено решению реальных задач, которые ежедневно возникают перед пользователями CorelDRAW — от...
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Привет! Я родилась!
Альбом на память. Хроника первого года жизни вашего малыша....
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Peter V Miller The Common-Sense Mortgage : How to Cut the Cost of Home Ownership by $50,000 or More
Millions of homes are financed each year and millions more are refinanced, a process that routinely leaves consumers dazed, weary, and paying more than they should. For more than a decade The Common-Sense Mortgage has been a consumer...
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Roy Edelfelt, Alan Reiman Careers in Education
VGM PROFESSIONAL CAREERS SERIES PRESENTS EXPERT GUIDANCE ON EXPLORING AND CHOOSING THE PERFECT JOB Whether they are college students planning a future, or professionals looking to change fields, this series...
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Alex Callinicos Equality (Themes for the 21st Century (Paper))
'The class war is over. But the struggle for true equality has only just begun,' Tony Blair has declared. The world indeed enters the 21st century heaving with poverty and inequality. Just three super-rich men have a net worth equal to the income of...
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Entrepreneur Magazine, Entrepreneur Mag Entrepreneur Magazine: Starting an Import/Export Business
From the source you trust most—everything you need to start up, grow, and prosper in international trade . . . If you're excited by the opportunities you see in international trade but nervous about facing a world of problems you don't...
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Jim Wiandt, Will McClatchy, Indexfunds.com Exchange Traded Funds: An Insider's Guide to Buying the Market
ETFs: The exciting class of funds for the new millennium "By now, most sophisticated investors have recognized the value of exchange traded funds as flexible and cost-effective tools for accessing global markets. Wiandt and...
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Joseph S., Jr. Nye Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power
Is America still Number 1? A leading scholar of international politics and former State Department official takes issue with Paul Kennedy and others and clearly demonstrates that the United States is still the dominant world power, with no...
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Robert B. Maddux Effective Performance Appraisals (Fifty-Minute Series.)
The basics of how to plan and conduct high-quality performance appraisals....
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Jr., Everett T. Allen, Joseph J Melone, Jerry S. Rosenbloom, Jack L Vanderhei Pension Planning: Pensions, Profit-Sharing, And Other Deferred Compensation Plans
This book can be used in continuing education courses and schools with strong insurance programs and/or human resource management programs which offer an upper-level elective on pension planning. Due to its strengths, this text has been used by the...
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Lucy Parker How to Start a Home-Based Writing Business, 4th (Home-Based Business Series)
Earn a living writing advertising copy, producing flyers and brochures, or ghostwriting, without leaving home. This guide explains how to set up a home-based writing business. ...
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Домой Самоделкин 2: Сам себе дизайнер. Выбрав ножницы и клей, можно сделать...
Электротехника и электроника. В пособии рассматриваются электрические и
Taxi Driver. Music From The Motion Picture.
David M. Frohlich. Audiophotography: Bringing Photos to Life
Каталог софта
П. И. Камышанов, А. П. Камышанов. Бухгалтерская
Астрологический ежедневник 2003. Например,
Безумный Пьеро. Жан-Поль Бельмондо ("На последнем дыхании")
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