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А. С. Пушкин А. С. Пушкин. Собрание сочинений в пяти томах. Том 3
В третий том Собрания сочинений А.С.Пушкина включен текст романа "Евгений Онегин" и комментарий М.Ю.Лотмана к роману "Евгений Онегин". ...
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Susan Segal-Horn The Strategy Reader
Made up of many classic articles, this popular Strategy Reader provides a remarkable overview of continuing debates in the field of strategic management. In an extended introduction, the editor gives an overview of the development of the field of...
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Burkard Wordenweber Innovation Cell : Agile Teams to Master Disruptive Innovation (VDI-Buch)
Book DescriptionThis book gives you the idea of disruptive innovation and how to master them. Special attention is paid to the management task for innovation, the development of the mindset for innovation and setting of the conditions for self...
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P. N. Elrod The Vampire Files (The Vampire Files)
Book Description Bloodlist introduces Jack Fleming, an investigative journalist in Prohibition-era Chicago who got bitten by a vampire. In Lifeblood and Bloodcircle Jack hunted for the men who killed him, and for his...
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Simon R. Green Blue Moon Rising
Book DescriptionRupert didn't especially want to be a prince. And he certainly never asked to be the second son of a royal line that really didn't need a spare. So he was sent out to slay a dragon and prove himself-a quest straight out of legend....
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Daphne Kalotay Calamity and Other Stories
Book Description Twelve stories introducing a remarkable new writer... In Calamity and Other Stories , Daphne Kalotay portrays with affection and frankness the complexity and comedy of human relationships. From a newly independent...
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Ray Turner Arbitration Awards: A Practical Approach
Book Description?Drawing on his long and practical experience [the author gives] guidance which only the foolhardy would reject without good reason for doing so. With this manual beside him, many an arbitrator will, I feel sure, sleep the...
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Dick Allen The Day Before : Poems
Book Description "A stunning follow-up to Allen's award-winning New and Selected. Accessible and profound. ?"No matter how tactile and specific he is, Allen always retains a sense of the greater world. . . . [H]is pristine poems flow like...
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Leslie Halpern Dreams on Film: The Cinematic Struggle Between Art and Science
Book DescriptionFilms with dream sequences, or a dreamlike quality, allow directors to create their own rules of logic and nature to meet a variety of artistic needs. For instance, an opening dream immediately establishes what a character is...
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Mechanical Ventilation (Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine)
Book DescriptionMechanical ventilation is a life-saving procedure that has been used for decades to treat patients with respiratory failure. In recent years there have been major advances in our understanding of how to ventilate patients, when to...
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Лилия Байрамова Сислей
Основным жанром в творчестве Альфреда Сислея является пейзаж. Многие его картины чаруют своей ясностью и меланхолической грустью, умением убедительно и точно передавать состояние природы и эффекты, порожденные бурей, снегопадом или туманом, и при...
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Домой Григорий Кваша. Тайны векторного кольца
Хайди Ротемунд. Шарфы. Лучшие модели сезона
И. М. Концевич. Оптина пустынь и ее время
Поиск людей
В. П. Желиховская. Князь Илико. Маленький кавказский пленник
Adam Jolly, George Cox. Managing Business Risk
Питер Харрис. Тайна Вивальди
Dan Holme, Orin Thomas. MCSA/MCSE Self-Paced
Leslie Bethell. Ideas and Ideologies in
Новороссийск, Южно-Сахалинск, Новый Уренгой, Нижний Тагил, Тобольск, Саранск, Новочебоксарск, Пятигорск, ВеликийНовгород, Подольск, Рязань, Череповец, Старый Оскол, Махачкала, Кострома, Подольск, Ульяновск, Армавир, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Воронеж, Благовещенск, Химки,
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