Al Ries, Jack Trout

Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind

Positioning, a concept developed by the authors, has changed the way people advertise. The reason? It's the first concept to deal with the problems of communicating in an overcommunicated society. With this approach, a company creates a 'position'...

Марина Дружинина

Наш лес. Стихи, загадки, головоломки, путаницы, считалки

Дорогие мальчики и девочки! Дорогие мамы и папы! В этой книге Марины Дружининой вы найдете веселые стихи, скороговорки, загадки, ребусы и головоломки. Мир вокруг нас такой интересный и удивительный! Самое простое оказывается...

Лене Каабербол

Расколотая Сфера. Том 1. Каменный сокол

Из тюрьмы в Кондракаре сбежал опасный преступник Горгон, Призрак Времени. Он хочет найти четыре Фрагмента расколотой магической Сферы и снова составить из них единое целое. Если ему это удастся, судьба Вселенной окажется в его руках. В этой...

Martin Fridson, Fernando Alvarez, Martin S. Fridson

Financial Statement Analysis: A Practitioner's Guide, 3rd Edition

Praise for Financial Statement Analysis A Practitioner?s Guide Third Edition "This is an illuminating and insightful tour of financial statements, how they can be used to inform, how they can be used to mislead, and how they...

A. W. Maldonado

Teodoro Moscoso and Puerto Rico's Operation Bootstrap

A. W. Maldonado tells the story of Puerto Rico's extraordinary climb from poverty to economic success. Operation Bootstrap, a program conceived, promoted, and implemented by Teodoro Moscoso (1910-1992), succeeded in attracting worldwide capital...

Ansel M Sharp, Charles A Register, Paul W Grimes, Ansel Sharp, Charles Register, Paul Grimes

Economics of Social Issues

Designed as an introduction to general economics for non-majors, Sharp/Register/Grimes’ text presents economic concepts as useful tools to analyze contemporary social issues. The book may also be used to supplement principles courses. The...

J. Barkley Rosser

From Catastrophe to Chaos: A General Theory of Economic Discontinuities: Mathematics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, and Finance (Volume I)

From Catastrophe to Chaos: A General Theory of Economic Discontinuities presents and unusual perspective on economics and economic analysis. Current economic theory largely depends upon assuming that the world is fundamentally continuous. However,...

Michael Porter, Jeffrey Sachs, Andrew Warner, Klaus Schwab, Peter K. Cornelius, Macha Levinson

The Global Competitiveness Report 2000

Since 1979 the World Economic Forum, a foundation based in Geneva, has produced annual reports on the relative competitiveness of countries (the term "country" as used in this report covers well-defined, geographically self-contained areas that are...

Allyn Freeman, Bob Golden

Why Didn't I Think of That? : Bizarre Origins of Ingenious Inventions We Couldn't Live Without

Ben & Jerry originally wanted to start a bagel business, but they couldn't afford the bagel-making machine? The Slinky(r) toy was born aboard a World War II battleship? Band-Aids(r) were invented by a husband to help his accident-prone...

Marvin R. Gottlieb

Managing Group Process

Aimed at front-line and senior managers faced with ongoing reorganization and an increasingly reluctant workforce, this book examines what it takes to facilitate problem solving, decision-making, and workforce retention and commitment....


Business Strategy

'Business Strategy: an introduction' is an accessible textbook that provides a straightforward guide for those with little or no knowledge of the subject. It presents complex issues and concepts in a clear and compact manner, so that readers gain a...

<<<  Аркадий Частиков. Архитекторы компьютерного мира             М. И. Петров. В дни войны и мира >>>

Мой мир ЖЖ Почта.ру Из рук в руки Inc. Econoday. Keeping Up With Economic Trends Michael Grieves. Product Lifecycle Management Одноклассники Рефераты А. С. Вольмир, Ю. П. Григорьев, В. А. Марьин, А. И. Станкевич. Сопротивление Coltrane. Jaspar. Sulieman. Yong. Interplay Маркетинг Менеджмент, № 7-8, 2007. 10 правил Приключения Мальчика с пальчик и Дюймовочки. Мальчик-с-пальчик и Дюймовочка Компьютерные новости М. С. Девянина. Nero 7 (+ CD-ROM) Вики Поиск людей Каталог софта Путешествия Гороскопы Fergus O'Connell. How to Run Successful Projects in Web КМ Джон Перкинс. Исповедь экономического убийцы
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