Sally Eden

Environmental Issues and Business: Implications of a Changing Agenda

Business is increasingly interested in responding positively to environmental issues in the 1990s. The nature of this response deserves closer academic attention because it influences not only business operations, but also the wider context of...

John R. Childress

A Time for Leadership: Global Perspectives from an Accelerated Market Place

European business leaders describe how business has changed with the freedom of the EU and what is required of companies and both sides of the Atlantic to do business in the new century....

Randy J. Frid

Infrastructure for Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management is a mission critical concern for all managers of today and tomorrow. In a world where political borders are becoming less significant than organizational borders, we face more competition from regions that never before...

Дж. К. Дэвис

Демократия и классическая Греция

Книга Дж.Дэвиса посвящена политической истории V-IV вв. до н.э. - наиболее яркого и плодотворного периода греческой истории. Проблемы хозяйственного уклада, общественного устройства, властных отношений в городах-государствах различных регионов...

Андрей Белый

Андрей Белый. Из литературного наследия

Репринтное воспроизведение сборника стихотворений Андрея Белого (1880 - 1934) 1923 года состоит из семи частей: "Золото в лазури", "Пепел", "Урна", "Христос Воскрес", "Королевна и рыцари", "Звезда" и "После звезды"....

Adobe Creative Team

Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Pro Classroom in a Book (CLASSROOM IN A BOOK)

If you're like most creative professionals, you can ill afford to shut down your production cycle and halt your workflow in order to learn a new piece of software--even one as critical as Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional. That's why the folks at...

Elaine Weinmann, Peter Lourekas

Illustrator 10 for Windows and Macintosh (Visual QuickStart Guide)

Untitled There's a good chance that anyone who's studied vector-based drawing during the last decade has read an Illustrator Visual QuickStart Guide ...

Stefan Norberg

Securing Windows NT/2000 Servers for the Internet

In recent years, Windows NT and Windows 2000 systems have emerged as viable platforms for Internet servers. More and more organizations are now entrusting the full spectrum of business activities--including e-commerce--to Windows. Unfortunately,...

D. R. Howe, David Howe

Data Analysis for Database Design

Data analysis for database design is a subject of great practical value to systems analysts and designers. This classic text has been updated to include chapters on distributed database systems, query optimisation and object-orientation.The SQL...

NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Magnetic Resonance in Colloid and i, ?Jacques P. Fraissard, O. B. Lapina, Jacques P. Fraissard

Magnetic Resonance in Colloid and Interface Science (NATO SCIENCE SERIES II MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY)

Magnetic resonance techniques are especially interesting in the study of colloids and interfaces due to their unique ability to elucidate structure, dynamics and function at the atomic and molecular level. This book illustrates the most up to date...

John Seabrook


With a winning combination of bemusement, frustration, and affection, John Seabrook takes us along on his personal journey from "newbie" to old hand in cyberspace. Along the way, he sheds light on the history of the Internet and how it evolved from...

<<<  История Великой Отечественной войны Советского Союза. 1941 - 1945. В ...             М. И. Петров. В дни войны и мира >>>

Из рук в руки Лист Лексикография. Информационный бюллетень. Стильные штучки. Эта энциклопедия - настоящая находка для тех, кто хочет всегда Яхо РБК Работа Пропуск в рай. Сверхоружие последней мировой. Устинов Ю.А.. Задачи Сен-Венана для псевдоцилиндров: Конец фильма. Live. Zavoлоклом. Плейлист: 01. Zavoлоклом 02. Директор цирка Агент майл.ру Сказки Кота-Мурлыки (аудиокнига МР3). На диске собраны различные Работа Израэль Регарди. Целительная сила, молитва и релаксация A New City (Land Boom Melbourne in the Photographs Эдвард Радзинский. Загадки любви SUTHERLAND. VERDI: LA TRAVIAT. Исполнитель: SUTHERLAND Альбом: VERDI: Российская газета Гого Stefan Sharff. The Art of Looking in Hitchcock's Rear Window С. П. Шаталова. Домашние животные РБК
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