Ю. М. Овчинников, В. П. Гамов

Болезни носа, глотки, гортани и уха

Во втором издании учебника изложены основные сведения о клинической анатомии, физиологии и методах исследования уха, горла, носа, пищевода, а также клиническая картина, лечение и профилактика заболеваний этих органов. Освещены последние достижения в...

А. А. Герасименко

Сын страданья

В книге содержатся фрагменты биографии и творческой деятельности М.Ю.Лермонтова, описаны военные дела и события, связанные с его гибелью. Впервые наиболее полно из существующих материалов представлен облик его несчастных родителей на фоне...

Сокровища Тауэра в Кремле. Королевский Арсенал. Национальный Британский музей оружия и доспехов

Издание 1998 года. Сохранность очень хорошая. Кремль и Лондонский Тауэр - два неповторимых архитектурных ансамбля. Оба являются столичными крепостями, оба были оплотами власти, центрами управления, хранилищами королевских сокровищ, а также...

Rhona Rapoport, Lotte Bailyn, Joyce K. Fletcher, Bettye H. Pruitt

Beyond Work-Family Balance: Advancing Gender Equity and Workplace Performance

Everyone who struggles to meet the demands of work and personal-life responsibilities knows how tough it is to do so. This bold new book shows that it is the deeply engrained separation of work and personal life that has limited our ability to deal...

Jakob De Haan

History of the Bundesbank : Lessons for the European Bank

After fifty years the Deutsche Bundesbank - the central bank that ruled European monetary affairs - stepped down to entrust monetary policy to the European Central Bank (ECB). The ECB is largely modelled after the Bundesbank. No doubt, this has...

Alnoor Ebrahim

Ngos and Organizational Change: Discourse, Reporting, and Learning

Alnoor Ebrahim's study analyzes the evolution of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as a result of their increased profile as bilateral partners in delivering aid. The organizational dynamics of non-governmental organizations have become...

Beginning Digital Electronics through Projects

Digital electronics is a little more abstract than analog electronics, and trying to find a useful starter book can be tough. For those interested in learning digital electronics, with a practical approach, Beginning Digital Electronics Through...

Otto Kalthoff, Ikujiro Nonaka, Pedro Nueno, Otto Kalthoff, Ikujiro Nonaka, Pedro Nueno

The Light and the Shadow: How Breakthrough Innovation is Shaping European Business

There has been much recent focus within the business world on concepts such as restructuring, downsizing and re-engineering. These concepts have their value, but they are inherently negative and inward-looking. Companies which wish to succeed in the...

Michael Alan Hamlin

The New Asian Corporation: Managing for the Future in Post-Crisis Asia

The new Asian corporation has emerged, and Westerners who currently do business in Asia or contemplate doing so would do well to take heed of the new Asian business model or risk being left behind. Here, author Michael Hamlin takes a close look at...

John Innes Clarke, Daniel Noin

Population and Environment in Arid Regions

This is a one-of-a-kind research text containing rare high-level coverage on the interrelationship between desert peoples and their environment. It contains 19 chapters in four sections covering human causes of desertification, environmental...

Xavier Vives

Oligopoly Pricing: Old Ideas and New Tools

The "oligopoly problem"--the question of how prices are formed when the market contains only a few competitors--is one of the more persistent problems in the history of economic thought. In this book Xavier Vives applies a modern game-theoretic...

<<<  Елена Коровина. Версальская грешница             М. И. Петров. В дни войны и мира >>>

Vinod K. Aggarwal. Debt Games: Strategic Interaction in International Galen Grimes. Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft FrontPage Горячие ночи Востока. The Best. Vol. 2 (mp3). Статистика Pierre-Joseph Redoute. Choix des Plus Belles Fleurs KARAJAN/SEEFRIED/FERRIER/LUDWIG/EDELMANN/SCHOFFLER. Все о Линукс John R. Koza, Forrest H. Bennett III, Forrest H. Bennett, Simon Stobart, Mike Vassileiou. Php and Mysql Manual: Simple, Yet Powerful Игры Поиск людей Александр Проханов. "Контрас" на глиняных Робин Хобб. Ученик убийцы JudithFowler Robbins. Hamlet's Quest: The Sugar Creek Anthologies Работа
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