Julio Cordero, Maria Galindo, Rafael Doctor Roncero

Estudio Archivo Cordero: Estudio Archivo Cordero

The history of photography from Latin America has always lagged behind that of the rest of the world, leaving a gap in our understanding of the continent?s fascinating recent history. Estudio Cordero Archive offers the first and finest...

One Lamp

Book DescriptionWhat if Gandhi and his army of pacifists faced down the Nazis? What would Philip K. Dick and Richard M. Nixon have said to one another? These and other wild imaginings of events that never occurred make up this prime collection of...

Icon Health Publications

The Official Patient's Sourcebook on Acne: A Revised And Updated Directory for the Internet Age

Download DescriptionThis book has been created for patients who have decided to make education and research an integral part of the treatment process. Although it also gives information useful to doctors, caregivers and other health professionals,...

William H. Danforth

Random Ramblings in India

Book Description1928. This work contains letters written to the Purina family. In his ramblings, Mr. Danforth made some surprising discoveries. For instance, he knew nothing of the hundreds of native states in India. He discovered the overwhelming...

Thea Kliros

Three Billy Goats Gruff (Once Upon a Time (Harper))

Book Description Read along as the clever billy goats Gruff outwit a very hungry troll. ...

The Devil You Know

Book Description Be careful what you wish for . . . The Fell Family has a small problem--a little devil that lives in their house. He does all sorts of bad things, and the Fells are fed up. When the prim and proper Ms. Phisto...

John Clare

"I Am" : The Selected Poetry of John Clare

Book Description Hail, humble Helpstone ... Where dawning genius never met the day, Where useless ignorance slumbers life away Unknown nor heeded, where low genius tries Above the vulgar and the vain...

Angela McAllister

The Tortoise and the Hare: An Aesop's Fable

Book DescriptionWhen Hare boasts that he "leaves the wind behind" when he runs, Tortoise replies, "What nonsense. I'll give you a race." Hare laughs but accepts this easy challenge. As they set off, Hare bounds down the lane, with Tortoise creeping...

Jeffrey Ford

The Girl in the Glass : A Novel

Book Description The Great Depression has bound a nation in despair -- and only a privileged few have risen above it: the exorbitantly wealthy ... and the hucksters who feed upon them. Diego, a seventeen-year-old illegal Mexican immigrant, owes...

Dr Stephen J. Press

Passion, Profession & Politics

Book DescriptionPASSION, PROFESSION & POLITICS is the story of an American Doctor who became Chief Physician of the Olympic Team of the Soviet Union, as the USSR was collapsing. But whose zeal to improve his profession cost him personally, in...

Гай Маклин Роджерс

Александр Македонский

Звезда македонского царя Александра III лишь на краткий миг вспыхнула на небосклоне человеческой истории, однако слава его пережила века. Непревзойденный полководец и завоеватель не проиграл ни одной битвы, разгромил непобедимую персидскую державу и...

<<<  Немецкий язык. 8 класс. Поурочные планы по учебнику И. Л. Бим. В пособии ...             М. И. Петров. В дни войны и мира >>>

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