Phil Clavel

I Am Not an ATM Machine: How Parents Can Regain Control of Their Lives While Still Loving Their Children

Offering concrete and practical suggestions for dealing with children who refuse to become financially responsible, this book helps parents regain control of their own lives and look after their own needs and wants while repairing the...

Crawford Kilian

Writing for the Web (Self-Counsel Writing)

- Write prose as good as your code - Learn how to grab and hold readers' attention - Create text for the unique genre of the Web...

Mikiyo Tsuda

The Day Of Revolution Volume 1 (Day of Revolution)

Kei Yoshikawa is a feisty young boy, troubled by problems at home and annoyed at school. One day after a sudden fainting spell, Kei is examined by the doctor and given shocking news - he is actually supposed to be a girl! Although physically male,...

The Future Dictionary of America

This book was conceived by Jonathan Safran Foer, Dave Eggers, Nicole Krauss, and the staff of McSweeney's as a way to bring over a hundred authors together to promote progressive causes in the November 2004 election. An imagining of what a...

Sonia Maasik, Jack Solomon

Signs of Life in the USA: Readings on Popular Culture for Writers...

C. N. Srikantan Nair, Sarah Joseph

Retelling the Ramayana: Voices from Kerala

This volume includes a play by N. Srikantan Nair and five short stories by Sara Joseph based on the Ramayana. These modern works reinterpret the epic from a radically different perspective--that of women and Dalits....

Joseph Conrad

Heart of Darkness (Norton Critical Edition)

The Fourth Edition is again based on Robert Kimbrough's meticulously re-edited text. Missing words have been restored and the entire novel has been repunctuated in accordance with Conrad's style. The result is the first published version of Heart...

Michele Costanzo

MVRDV: Project between Imaginative Intuition and Datascape

The work of MVRDV can be considered an emblematic turning point in Dutch architecture. Early projects such as the Light Urbanism study for the Municipality of Rotterdam, the headquarters for Public Broadcasting Company VPRO and housing for elderly...

K. Mcpherson

Making Video Dance: A Practical Introduction

Since the advent of digital video technology, dance on camera has become an increasingly popular, and important genre of dance. This is the first ever how-to manual for choreographers, dancers and students who want to make dance films. ...

Visions: Contemporary Male Photography

This is a men's world - today's view! Bruno GmA?nder is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, a cause for celebration - our present to you is this gorgeous collection filled with highlights of contemporary men's photography. We've brought...

Гражданское право

Пособие содержит материалы, необходимые для проведения практических занятий по курсу «Особенная часть гражданского права». Настоящее издание является четвертым, переработанным и дополненным в соответствии с изменениями в гражданском законодательстве...

<<<  Дэниел Вулстон. Ajax и платформа .NET 2.0 для профессионалов             М. И. Петров. В дни войны и мира >>>

Автомобильный портал Футбол О. И. Елисеева. Лечение хронических и онкологических заболеваний. Часть Яндекс Одноклассники Bob Dickinson, Andy Vladimir. Selling the Sea: An Inside Look at the Cruise Hscc 200, Mark Russell Greenstreet. Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control Одноклассники Футбол Мегафон О. В. Узорова, Е. А. Нефедова. Тренинговая Dan Jolley. JSA: The Liberty Files (Justice Society, М. С. Альтман. Разговоры с Вячеславом Ивановым К. В. Рыжов. Я познаю мир: Монархи Лента John Von Neumann, Paul M. Churchland, Patricia Smith Churchland. The
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