А. К. Субботин

Границы рынка глобальных компаний

В монографии приводится критический анализ стратегии глобальных компаний и управления мировым сообществом в условиях глобализации как процесса перераспределения экономических и политических функций между государством, глобальными компаниями и...

Gary Hamel, C. K. Prahalad

Competing for the Future

This is an enhanced edition of HBR article 94403, originally published in July 1994. HBR OnPoint articles include the full-text HBR article plus a summary of key ideas and company examples to help you quickly absorb and apply the concepts. Is your...

Tony Smith, Anthony Russo

Parzival's Briefcase: Six Practices and a New Philosophy for Healthy Organizational Change

A business book for liberal arts majors -- and for anyone seeking change, growth, and success in his or her life and work. Everyone talks about the need to restructure organizations to meet new challenges, but until now no one has developed an...

Lewis M. Branscomb, Philip E. Auerswald

Taking Technical Risks: How Innovators, Executives, and Investors Manage High-Tech Risks

How do technology innovators, business executives, and venture capitalists manage the technical elements of business risk when developing and launching new products? Overcoming technical risks requires crossing the so-called valley of death--the gap...

Giancarlo Gandolfo

Economic Dynamics: Study Edition

Treating the mathematical methods used in the economic dynamics, this book shows how they are utilised to build and analyse dynamical models. Accordingly, the focus is on the methods, and every new mathematical technique introduced is followed by...

Editors of VGM

Resumes for Business Management Careers

SERIES HEADLINE &TEXT: VGM PROFESSIONAL RESUME SERIES This series offers anyone the tools to craft a strong resume that stands out and will lead to interviews and job offers. Up-to-date, professional resume-writing advice details the essential...

Edward Frazelle

World-Class Warehousing and Material Handling

Warehousing continues to play a critical role in assuring high levels of customer service and overall logistics performance. Efficient warehousing can minimize the effects of supply chain inefficiencies; can improve logistics accuracy and inventory...

Joseph Desposito, Kevin Garabedian

Complete Camcorder Troubleshooting & Repair

This book will take the reader through everything he or she needs to know about the upkeep and repair of video camcorders. Begins by examining camcorder troubleshooting procedures, then moves on into more advanced repair techniques. Includes seven...

Introduction to Copper Cabling : Applications for Telecommunications, Data Communications and Networking

Because this is a book for engineers the practical coverage is reinforced by use of the latest interanational standards, in particular BICSI standards (USA and international) and EU requirements. This will make the book ideal for the large number of...

Naim Afgan, Maria De Graca Carvalho, Naim Hamdia Afgan, M. G. Carvalho

Sustainable Assessment Method for Energy Systems: Indicators, Criteria and Decision Making Procedure

Sustainable Assessment Method for Energy Systems provides the reader with a new method for energy system evaluation. It is widely recognized that future energy strategies will have to deal with energy as a complex issue that incorporates...

Ross Zucker

Democratic Distributive Justice

By exploring the integral relationship between democracy and economic justice, this study explains how democratic countries with market systems should deal with the problem of high levels of income-inequality. The book provides an interdisciplinary...

<<<  Сестры Воробей. Сумасшедшие каникулы             М. И. Петров. В дни войны и мира >>>

И. П. Неумывакин. Ромашка. На страже здоровья Билайн Яхо Зипер А.Ф.. Содержание кур при производстве мяса Почта Яхо Чат Сергей Рахманинов. Романсы. Рахманинов один из наиболее многогранных, Пьесы для игры на фортепиано в четыре руки. Джазовые мотивы. Сборник John Knight, Lina Song. The Rural-Urban Divide: Economic Disparities Rachel Sherwood Roberts. Art Smith: Pioneer Aviator Почта Вести Знакомства Nikolaus Harnoncourt. Haydn. Orlando Paladino Рамблер Аллегро с огнем. Владимир Заманский ("День командира
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