Brendan Brown

Economists and the Financial Markets

In Economists and the Financial Markets the author explores how a knowledge of economics, correctly applied, can enhance investment performance. The book is divided into seven sections dealing with a range of issues, including the valuing...

Charles C. Poirier, Stephen E. Reiter

Supply Chain Optimization: Building the Strongest Total Business Network

Supply Chain Optimization illustrates how companies that create, distribute, and sell products or services can join forces to establish a supply network with an unbeatable competitive advantage. Poirier and Reiter explain how companies can...

Gerald Michaelson, Steven Michaelson, Sunzi Sunzi Bing Fa

Sun Tzu for Success: How to Use the Art of War to Master Challenges and Accomplish the Important Goals in Your Life

Following up on the bestselling success of Sun Tzu: The Art of War for Managers, expert author and coach Gerald Michaelson expands Sun Tzu?s ancient philosophy of warfare to personal development and success. In setting forth his success...

Ronald D. McElroy

Volume III: Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 119, 121, 135

Each easy-to-carry flashcard volume provides pertinent questions with detailed answers to help pilots maintain a solid core knowledge of the rules and regulations....

Frank Riedel

Imperfect Information and Investor Heterogeneity in the Bond Market (Contributions to Economics)

Real world investors differ in their tastes and attitudes and they do not have, in general, perfect information about the future prospects of the economy. Most theoretical models, however, assume to the contrary that investors are homogeneous and...

Paul Glasserman

Monte Carlo Methods in Financial Engineering (Stochastic Modelling and Applied Probability)

Monte Carlo simulation has become an essential tool in the pricing of derivative securities and in risk management. These applications have, in turn, stimulated research into new Monte Carlo methods and renewed interest in some older techniques. ...

Steven P. Erie

Globalizing L.A.: Trade, Infrastructure, and Regional Development

How do city-regions successfully compete in the global age? Mixing history and policy analysis, Steven Erie offers a compelling account of the improbable rise of Los Angeles, explaining how a region with no natural harbor and a metropolis situated a...

Xiaoping Jia

Object Oriented Software Development Using Java (2nd Edition)

This book teaches readers how to write well-designed object-oriented programs. Added to learning to write well-designed, medium-sized object-oriented programs are new topics such as testing, the iterative software development process, UML, and the...

Zhiqun Chen

Java Card (tm) Technology for Smart Cards: Architecture and Programmer's (The Java Series)

Java Card(tm) technology provides a secure, vendor-independent, ubiquitous Java(tm) platform for smart cards and other memory constrained devices. It opens the smart card marketplace to third-party application development and enables programmers to...

David Poole, Alan K. Mackworth, Randy G. Goebel

Computational Intelligence: A Logical Approach

Computational Intelligence: A Logical Approach provides a unique and integrated introduction to artificial intelligence. It weaves a unifying theme--an intelligent agent acting in its environment-- through the core issues of AI, placing them into a...

Victor J. Vitanza

CyberReader (2nd Edition)

In the dawn of the 21st Century, living on the cutting edge of technology is the key to awareness and survival for the next millennium. The impact of technology -- on individuals, society, economy, and on such legal issues as freedom of...

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Поиск майл.ру Российская газета Жюль Верн. Пятнадцатилетний капитан Романское искусство. Архитектура. Скульптура. Живопись. Появление романского Классика в рок-обработках - V. Диски предназначены для продажи на Путешествия Алекс Экслер. Забавные заметки о кино Алекса Экслера David Freeman. Creating Emotion in Games: The Craft and Art of Emotioneering
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