Steven M. Bragg

Design and Maintenance of Accounting Manuals : A Blueprint for Running an Effective and Efficient Department

An updated manual for an evolving industry The Fourth Edition of this classic resource shifts from an exclusive university emphasis to include all businesses and industries, reflecting the changing demands of this dynamic field. Revised and...

Andrea Boltho, Alessandro Vercelli, Hiroshi Yoshikawa

Comparing Economic Systems: Italy and Japan

This book compares the Italian and Japanese economies in a number of areas, including corporate governance, growth, financial and foreign trade structures, labour markets, and industrial organization. The two economies have often been successful...

e-Business - A Jargon-Free Practical Guide

'e-Business: a jargon-free practical guide' presents a clear, second-generation account of how your business can harness the latest technology to flourish in the transformed commercial climate of the 21st century. With its emphasis firmly on...

Ann Howard

The Changing Nature of Work (J-B SIOP Frontiers Series)

The Changing Nature of Work envisions the future nature of work, its effect on workers and organizations, and the expanded knowledge that will be needed to optimize its returns. The book examines critical post-industrial transformations in...

Paul M. Roman

Alcohol Problem Intervention in the Workplace

In recent years, awareness of the tremendous costs, both human and financial, associated with alcoholism has led to a dramatic increase in both scholarly and practical interest in the field. This book provides an up-to-date, thorough examination of...

Peggy S. Stanfield, Y. H. Hui

Introduction to the Health Professions

Reflects the many changes that have taken place in the health professions....

John E. Triantis

Creating Successful Acquisition and Joint Venture Projects : A Process and Team Approach

Acquisitions and joint ventures have a good chance of success if they are implemented by appropriately trained teams with adequate preparation and pre-established procedures. Triantis discusses the resources and preparation required before...

Hildegarde Hannum, Nancy Jack Todd

People, Land, and Community: Collected E.F. Schumacher Society Lectures

In this forward-looking book, top authorities in the field of ecological economics consider the many implications of environmental and community degradation. Honoring the ideas E. F. Schumacher set forth in Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People...

Sajal Lahiri, Yoshiyasu Ono

Trade and Industrial Policy Under International Oligopoly

The existence of firms with different levels of efficiency within a country plays an important role in this in-depth analysis of industrial and trade policies in a multi-country trade-theoretic framework. Sajal Lahiri and Yoshiyasu Ono examine...

Timothy W. Cunningham, Clay B. Mansfield

Pay Yourself First : A Commonsense Guide to Life-Cycle Retirement Investing

In this concise, accessible guide, Timothy W. Cunningham and Clay B. Mansfield, cofounders of the Life Cycle Mutual Funds TM , show you how to meet the financial challenge of retirement with a revolutionary new approach: life cycle...

Gregory Bounds, Charles Lamb


Most Introduction to Business texts treat business functions--marketing, accounting, management, etc.--as separate concepts, loosely tied together by the notion that each has something to do with business. As a result, students gain little...

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QIP.ру Компьютерные новости Как нарисовать пейзаж. Эта книга в доступной и наглядной форме поможет Л. Н. Коршунова. Молекулярная физика. Основы МКТ. Термодинамика Mason Gaffney, Fred Harrison. The Corruption Diana Stanley. Anatomy for Artists (Dover Art Instruction) Н. В. Васильченко. Мы дружим со словесностью Счетчик Путешествия Чат Русские сказки о животных. В сборник вошли русские народные Единый государственный экзамен 2003-2004. Контрольные измерительные Почта Яхо Школа чемпионов 2004-2005гг: Основы Стандарт.
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